Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Buzz Kill

My print column is up.

UPDATE: From a friend who actually heard part of Buzz Bissinger's remarks to me last Sunday morning:
"Was that a negative reaction to your column? Or a particularly acute attack of Tourette's Syndrome? 
I believe it was the former.

UPDATE II: Here a letter from someone purporting to be Buzz Bissinger's attorney. We ran it in today's newspaper. Given the purple prose and outlandish allegations, it occurred to me that it could be a prank. But it was emailed to me on real lawyer-type letterhead and from an address that seemed to check out so I guess it's not.

I might also point out that the signatory does not advertise himself as expert on Free Speech and First Amendment issues. For what its worth, he advertises himself as a "sex abuse lawyer."
         Dear Mr. Spencer:
Kindly note that I represent Mr. Bissinger in connection with your column of July 29, 2012. Please direct any further inquiries to my attention.

Notwithstanding its rhetorical pretense, your column unquestionably alleged that Mr. Bissinger deliberately refused to publicly address the Scott Ward matter. Beyond falsely implying that Mr. Bissinger acted intentionally, your article further suggested that he was motivated by allegiance to the University of Pennsylvania. These false allegations undermine Mr. Bissinger’s well-deserved reputation for honesty and journalistic integrity. More outrageously, your column falsely implied that Mr. Bissinger was a participant in some conspiracy to conceal to Mr. Ward’s criminal exploits. The implications of your column are as distasteful as they are unsubstantiated.
You reached your ill-founded conclusions by employing fundamentally flawed logic. You concluded that Mr. Bissinger’s “failure” to write about Scott Ward was deliberate, when, in fact, he simply knew nothing about Mr. Ward, and nothing about the events that led to his criminal charges. Without any basis beyond your apparently very vivid imagination, you imputed to Mr. Bissinger motives that have unnecessarily subjected him to undeserved ridicule and unwarranted attacks.

You have compounded your initial lapse in journalistic integrity by baiting Mr. Bissinger, responding to his requests to remove the column with unprofessional mockery, and by demanding that he respond to criticisms that were not even justified in the first place. For that reason, Mr. Bissinger will not be attending the meeting that had been arranged for this evening as it is clear to me that your goal is to simply self-servingly trade upon his good name and needlessly malign him. As far as I am concerned, Mr. Bissinger should not be forced to “respond” to a controversy that you have invented.

I am asking you to write a retraction, and to acknowledge publicly that you had no basis whatsoever to suggest that Mr. Bissinger deliberately refrained from writing about the Scott Ward matter. As Mr. Bissinger considers his legal options, I am urging you, quite respectfully, to remove from the paper’s website the column at issue.



Blogger jake said...

Just check the parking lot before you go out. I hear Buzz has borrowed Tex Cobb from Pete Dexter.

August 1, 2012 at 11:08 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Jake - In case you missed it, you might enjoy DeLeons column in the Sun. Inquirer's Currents section about Paterno.

August 1, 2012 at 4:34 PM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

Bob - what's with the douche campaign against jake? Seems like you're borderline bullying at this point.

August 1, 2012 at 6:30 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Steve - For your information, the DeLeon column was pro Paterno. I suggested it to Jake because I thought it would be something he would enjoy reading, and something that he could probably relate to.
Maybe you should read it too. Then get back to me on your douche bully theory.

August 1, 2012 at 7:42 PM 
Blogger CharlieSix said...

Clark DeLeon's column is very moving. But I found it to be a more personal expression of appreciation for Mr. Paterno and all that he means to Mr. DeLeon than being pro-Paterno. And, Yo Bob, I agree with Steve. Your post to Jake is a very predictable liberal tactic of trying to change the dialogue to your own bent. Mr. DeLeon's column has nothing to do with Mr. Spencer's opinion piece today or with the originating Spencerblog post. So typical of you, Bob, that if you can't overcome the issue you try to change to course of the discourse. Hence I agree with Steve: What's with the douche campaign against Jake? Can you explain more fully than your response to Steve? Not likely...

August 1, 2012 at 8:10 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Charlie - You're such a dick.

August 1, 2012 at 9:46 PM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

Charlie - changing the subject's in their play book. It dates back on spencerblog to the days of Diano.

Bob - I've noticed you pouncing on him lately, don't get why, question stands.

August 2, 2012 at 3:31 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Steve - If you've followed our exchanges you would realize that I'm no harder on Jake or Charlie or Danny than they are on me. And then there's the ratio. I get it three to four times as much as anyone else on here, and you don't hear me whining. Last month, Jake decided he was going to speak for you. Now you want to come to his defense? I try to do something nice for him, like referring him to the DeLeon story, and look what happens? Maybe you, in all of your wisdom, can explain to me how that referral equals bullying. I can't wait for your answer.

August 2, 2012 at 7:17 AM 
Blogger CharlieSix said...

Thanks for sharing your misperception of me, Bob... Spoken like a true liberal who has nothing to add except to disrespect the loyal opposition... Where did you get your playbook? From Jay Carney at the White House?

August 3, 2012 at 12:01 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Steve - There you go. Charliesix criticizing and whining. As for Jake, a recent comment where he suggests that his son and some fooball player buddies could back up Spencer by trading knuckle autographs with Bissinger, should be a good indication of the type of person I'm dealing with. Who's the bully Steve?

August 3, 2012 at 7:10 AM 

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