
Sunday, August 26, 2007

7 Days in August?

Here's a direct link to Martin Lewis' call at the Huffington Post for George Bush to be arrested and court-martialed.
I've seen this movie: It's called "Seven Days in May." It was good. But I thought Burt Lancaster was the villian. Silly me.


  1. Attacking the President and calling for his removal from office is what passes as “patriotism” in LibDem circles these days.
    Them Petty Politics of Hurt Feelings are a bitch. It causes followers to say all kinda kooky things.

    Note to angry Libs: The President of the United States is not the enemy; terrorists and their LibDem enablers are.

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  4. And David complains that my reading skills are subpar.
    Martin Lewis advocates a military coup and doesn't understand the ramifications of his own suggestion.
    Diano says, "It's pretty darn partiotic to remove a President that is flaunting the Constitution."

    Yup. That's what John Wilkes Booth thought!
    The ends justify the means.

    There is a constitutional process to remove any president. It's called impeachment. Get on with it. Or get over it.

    Advocating a General arrest the President of the United is just loony. But that's why they call it the Loony Left. It gets loonier by the minute.

  5. Advocating a General arrest the President of the United is just loony. But that's why they call it the Loony Left. It gets loonier by the minute.

    You can say that again.

    Their actions have INCREASED the threat and strength of terrorists while weakening the United States image around the world.

    No matter how many times you angry kooks say it, it’s not magically gonna come true.

  6. Bush and Cheney's record of "protecting US" since September eleventh (God forbid I use those words) has been a joke. The only thing they have done is to tick off the rest of the world, kill a few hundred thousand people, put our nation in further danger of a staged attack, and destroyed our Constitution, something that RON PAUL is trying to preserve.

    This Republican Vs Democrat, Conservative Vs Liberal banter only divides this nation. What was it that Rodney King said?

  7. At least give them this: No further serious terrorist attacks in this country since 9/11/01. That's almost 6 years. And that's no joke.

    Apparently, its going to take another for people to remember and get serious and realize what sort of fight we're in.

    I'm not sure if Ron Paul gets it.

  8. I remember. I also remember how back then King George enjoyed the highest approval rating of any president on record –something the Donkeys would like everyone to forget. Although that was before the Left decided they needed to do something about that if they were to ever again regain power. So in the ensuing years they have done all they can to calculatingly divide our nation and attack this president while enabling our enemies. And their Leftie sheep have believed everything they have been told they should be angry about. Jerks.

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  10. GWB’s approval rating topped out at 92% -the highest on record. Even his dad hit 90%. Willie never broke 70. Even Carter hit 75! Hahahahaha!
