
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Real and Exaggerated

As Bret Stephens makes clear Global Warming is both real and real exaggerated.

One of the problems is how some global warming scientists have made mistakes but have been slow to admit them for fear of discrediting the whole enterprise.

And then there is the alarmist community headed by Al Gore.

As Stephens points out (and I have pointed out in the past) the man to listen to on the subject is Danish scientist Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist and now, Cool It. Lomborg says GW is real and a real problem but one of many facing the human race that needs to be prioritized.

Let's keep our heads people.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The energy companies will continue to make it "hand over fist" as David says, whether its oil they're selling or windmills or nukes.

    The question isn't what they will make, it is what WE will pay. And right now, We pay more for solar, wind and other renewables than we do for oil and natural gas.

    In Swarthmore, borough councilman Geoff Semenuk is proud that the residents are willing to pay more for "cleaner" energies. Less advantaged people - poorer people -- might feel differently.

  3. Additionally, if U.S. environmentalists were serious about global warmings they'd be pushing hard for a lot more nuclear plants to be built in this country.

    That they aren't, tells you something about the movement.

  4. David…

    1) That shrill doom & gloom has been debunked. Besides, what do you care? You Libs hate the evil "Haves" who own oceanfront beach houses.

    2) Whatever. The earth’s temperature has been cycling for quite some time and will continue to do so no matter how many “carbon credits” Algore sells. Besides, if we run out of fresh water we can always just go to Wawa and pick up a gallon. ;)

    3) No one distorts and corrupts “science” to being nearly worthless for dubious political ends like the American Left does.

    4) Enough with the strawmen. You Libs pull this same crap whether the topic is smoking and “Big Tobacco” or guns and that evil faceless monster the “NRA”. Underhanded Liberal special interests are much more problematic for our society and nation than the industries that keep this joint running.

    People, the impending doom & gloom of global warming is a Liberal lie. Should everyone try to do a little something to make our world cleaner? Sure. But should we hand power and money to the Lying Libs to save us from disaster that really is just the earth doing what the earth does from time to time? No.
    Don’t fall for the shrill emotional ploys of the Left. They’re lying to you. Again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. David: how have we been fighting in Iraq for oil this entire time? Please show one sign of ANY oil company earning more money due to Iraq that wasn't already being earned or sold to be earned in the near future? The left learned this a year into the war and stopped that whole tag line. I'm feeling you'll be quiet on answering that question because there is none.

    Don't give the doubters the information so they can test it? Oh right, like with NASA's temperature calculations? Real correct huh. How about the weather testing areas being placed in "rural" areas. I didn't know a parking lot in the middle of U of Arizona's campus was considered "rural" by any definition. How about the Udel professor who is licensed to put his research backed by the governor in EVERYTHING he does EXCEPT global warming. Hmmm, not trying to cut the research done at all are we? Remind me again how science works? Aren't theories "tested" until it is proved wrong, and while nothing proves it wrong, it is considered correct? Let's keep doing science the way it's been done for thousands of years.

    Cost is the real issue? Are you serious? If I built a solar powered system for the state of PA tomorrow and it was passed to be the only energy used in houses/corporations, I could charge anything I wanted. It's Econ101 that a monopoly will make more $$$ than companies do with competition.

    Could you also explain why you throw out solar/wind power when EVERYONE knows the best, most efficient, cleanest form of energy is nuclear? Aren't we trying to produce energy sources that "don't" pollute the Earth. So why aren't we talking about the cleanest version? I'm sensing an alterior motive (Lets not even go into the multiple times "environmentalists" were stumped by that question by Glenn Beck).

    Or how about the fact that the pollutant causing the most global warming is caused by animals. Since we're doing this for Earth, shouldn't the comments be targeted at stopping the main "cause" of global warming. So instead of telling me what I can put into my gas tank, tell me what I can eat. Sounds too much like NYC for me, but whatever floats your boat David.

  7. Kill the cows!

    And then we can eat the stinky but tasty polluting cows.

  8. radiation leak worst then coal leak

    Worst then? Worst then??
    Come on, Dave. I thought you were an English teacher! Jeez...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In a few decades with cloning, DNA and other molecular technologies, it will be possible to produce high quality beef, chicken, pork, etc. directly from corn/grass/etc...

    Holy crap! We’re gonna be making cows and chickens outta grass and corn?! This is really gonna kill that whole Evolution argument!

    Aw, I was just giving it back to you for your cheap common Lib distraction tactic of attacking one’s grammar or spelling or typos when you’ve got no real argument to offer, as you did in another thread, is all.

  11. Boys, Boys...can't we all just get along? Your poop and my poop--along with every other living thing that poops--is eventually going to destroy civilization as we know it. That's just simply the inconvenient truth.

  12. Sure, just sit back and enjoy the ride and forget about all that manufactured shrill doom & gloom about the sky falling.

  13. The US wanted control of the "oil" while Iraq is an OPEC country. Nope, won't work. Sorry, but good try. Also the "lucrative" deals you talk about; you mean the one where Exxon pays for all the PP&E to be put into place, runs the equipment, splits the profit with Iraq (which didn't have the infrastructure to use the oil reserve anyway. Talk about a DCF chart for Iraq profits), and can be kicked out at any time. Ohhhhh, that "lucrative" deal.
