
Monday, August 27, 2007

Global Warming No Hoax but Semenuk Is

Swarthmore's Geoff Semenuk writes the Daily Times to correct perceived errors in a recent editorial on global warming.

Semenuk points out that Steve McIntyre, the man who discovered that NASA's measurements of the hottest U.S. years on record were off, is not a climatologist. He's a former mining exec who has taken an interest in global warming science. Semenuk is correct.

Past that, it is Semenuk who is "wrong" when it comes to some of his own assertions.

While giving McIntyre credit for discovering NASA's error, which caused NASA to quietly, and embarrassingly, recalculate its figures, Semenuk dismisses the significance of "tiny correction."

For years Al Gore has been saying the hottest year on record was 1998. It wasn't. According to NASA's recalculated figures it was 1934.
In his movie, An Inconvenient Truth Gore asserted that nine of the ten hottest years in U.S. history occurred since 1995.

No matter, says Semenuk, scientists still agree that 10 of the hottest years on record world-wide have occurred between 1989 and 2006.

This isn't "changing the script"?

Semenuk went on to write:

"Printing an editorial like this, that implies that global warming is myth rather than fact, is extremely irresponsible."

But the editorial said or implied nothing of the kind.

Having pointed NASA's error, we stated flatly, this "does not mean that global warming isn't happening or that it is not a serious and important issue."

How is that implying global warming is a "myth?"

Semenuk is no climatologist either. He's the associate director of Alumni relations at Swarthmore College and a member of Swarthmore's borough council. That makes him no more professionally qualified to weigh in on this subject than anybody else.

We are all entitled to our own opinions when it comes to the seriousness of the problem of global warming and what we should do about it.

But we are not entitled to misstate and misrepresent what other people are saying about it.

Not without being called on it.


  1. Semenuk is no climatologist either. He's the associate director of Alumni relations at Swarthmore College and a member of Swarthmore's borough council. That makes him...

    ...a suspect kooky Liberal.

    I'll say it: Global warming is not a myth; it is a Liberal lie.

  2. The discovery that 1998 was not in fact the hottest year on record is important for a of couple reasons ...

    First, the scientist at NASA who was responsible for the incorrect data is James Hansen, who was promoted to "rock star" status by Global Warming activists when he stated very publicly that the Bush administration was trying to silence his research.

    Second, 1998 being the hottest year on record was a major factor surrounding the claim that Global Warming is a man-made phenomenon. Scientists Activists use data such as Hansen’s to show a correlation between record temperatures, the years in which they occurred and increases in carbon emissions to make the man-made conclusions.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Also, the article points out, that
    if you include the 48 states, then 1998 remains the hottest (Alaska and Hawaii were not States in 1934).

    Boy, you Chicken Littles are really grasping.

    The whole computation is invalid. Liberals are lying to us again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. None of that changes the fact that Liberals have indeed exaggerated the pending doom of what is largely a common recurring earthly cycle. And, true to their dishonest Lib methods of implementation, they have whipped people into an emotional frenzy about it.
    For years everything was fine. Now, suddenly, things are so dire as to warrant immediate drastic measures to correct it? Nah. Our world is cleaner now than it’s been for a century.

    They have hijacked the discussion and stifled opposing views and tried to declare the debate as being “over”. It’s not. And it’s not the first time Libs have corrupted “science” to being nearly worthless in order to serve a dubious political end.
    Libs are lying to us.

    Every time I hear another Lying Lib celebrity scold us about global warming I let my car idle all night. Every time they make another dishonest propaganda film about it I dump a drum of used motor oil in the ocean. ;)

  7. David: how do you state that temperatures keep increasing and that causes snow/ice melting that will eventually cause land to be put under water. Then in another post, you go on to quote the NY Times as saying the temp change from 1934 to 1998 is a meaningless 0.036 degrees farenheit. Apparently in some instances, 0.036 degrees F is not much, but in others it is catesrophic.


  8. Logic disconnect and contradiction are some of the surest signs that Lying Libism is involved.
