
Sunday, August 19, 2007

A note from your host

It may already be evident, but I'm just getting the hang of doing this.
Blogging with Spencer used to be edited by Daily Times editor Phil Heron. I didn't have the capability/know-how/interest/energy for blogging directly. Now I do (except for the energy. I'm manage.) Phil is scared to death that I am going to write something horribly offensive or libelous and BANG! it will just suddenly appear here and his world as he knows it will explode. It's a fair concern. To Phil, I say, "Be afraid. Be VERY afraid!"
To those of you who like to comment in posts: Welcome. Sorry it took me so long to get your first replies up. It turns out I have the power to "monitor" them, which is to say I have to see and approve them before they appear. Since this is the Daily Times web site, no bad words will be allowed. Don't make me stop this car and come back there! Also, I have a life, not like some of these blogging geeks who post every 15 minutes.
Being new to the blogging community, I'm not up to speed on all the etiquette and tricks to link to other cool stuff. I should get better at it as time goes on.
Also I hate the name of this blog. So I'll be coming up with a new one soon. Suggestions are welcome but remember, if I have to stop this car...
The rest, as Tess McGill would say, we'll make up as we go along.

1 comment:

  1. Phil is scared to death that I am going to write something horribly offensive or libelous and BANG! it will just suddenly appear here and his world as he knows it will explode.

    Hahahahaha! If only…

    It’s a shame he doesn’t show the same micromanaging concern for his stable of Lying Liberal cranks.

    As for the name of your blog, how about: “The World According to Spencer” -Making Liberals Cry Like Babies Now Online Too!
