
Sunday, September 9, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Brian De Palma takes Best Director in Venice for "Redacted."

A clip from his acceptance speech:

"I'd just like to thank everyone who made this possible. The rapists and killers of the U.S military, Mark Cuban for his brave financial backing, and Saddam Hussein, who, tragically, is no longer with us to help in the fight against a rogue and corrupt U.S. president and his administration. Saddam, this is for you!

And finally, I'd especially like to thank all you wonderful people in the nutroots whose anti-war views I've helped shape for a generation. You're the best.


  1. This traitor should be on the terrorist watch list for sympathizing with and aiding our enemies. He should be shot for treason upon his return to America.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No, not for merely expressing his viewpoint, Dave. But nice try at attempting to dismiss treasonous activity that directly enables and emboldens our enemies as a mere free speech issue when clearly it is not.
    We used to shoot such people. We need to get back to that.

    I’ve gotta hand it to ya, you do your best to defend the indefensible, as misplaced as your sympathies are...
