
Monday, September 17, 2007

Credit Where Credit is Due

Kudos to Inky reporter Ed Colimore and Photographer Charles Fox for the excellent job they did covering the special welcome home Iraqi and Afghanistan war vets have been getting at Fort Dix, headlined: "Vietnam Vets Give What They Never Got."

My only quibble with the story is the sub-head:

"A surprise for the recipient; therapy for the giver."

No need to medicalize such a nice gesture with psycho-babble (though one vet did -- a little oddly -- compare it to trip to a psychiatrist's office.)

Anyway, other than that great story and great job!

Oh, one more quibble: It should've been played on the front page.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I sure hope the Libs are nicer to our returning boys this time than they were back at Vietnam.

  3. The link to the article is bad

  4. I want ot see the coffins coming into Dover.

    Free speech is dead.

  5. Then go to Dover.

    Why do you want the Media to show the coffins, Anon? Just to make Bush look even worse? That’s hardly a valid reason to violate the deceased and their grieving families.

    Free speech is fine.
