
Monday, September 10, 2007

Dems Need New Pair of Hsus

Hillary and Obama "bundled" up with admitted criminal Norman Hsu (pronounced Shoe).
Now that it's time to give the money back they're having a hard time distinguishing Hsu's money from the rest he helped raise for their campaign warchests.



  1. And the money he donated and raised for Congressman Surrender, er, Sestak. Why hasn't there been more coverage of this fact? When will the good admiral's tragic fundraising misadventures be exposed?

  2. Pete, er Andy? I'll get right on it!

  3. And let's not forget that other convict Sestak not only took money from by allowed to host a fundraiser for him... Sandy Berger.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Gee, criminals are financing LibDem campaigns while radical anti-American groups who enable our enemies exert their influence and shape their policy. Nothing surprising here…

    The Dems are beholden to radical Leftist groups who exert great influence over them, Dave.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. LibDems today are the equivalent of Commie Pinkos of old.

    And at least any influence buying on the Right does not consist of radical anti-American groups, traitors, enemy sympathizers and such. The two are incomparable.

    Care to grasp again, Dave? You’re finding it kinda hard to defend your treasonous friends, I see.

  8. "I was just watch Fox news, gay, illegal, Mexicans are flooding our borders to kill our brain dead women!"

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It doesn’t matter how many times you say something, Dave, that’s not enough to make it magically come true.

    (Why must we keep reminding Liberals of this?)
