
Monday, September 10, 2007

Don't Say It Ain't So, Joe

In case you missed it, Joe Sestak is, apparently, something of an ogre as a boss.

Why voters should care how he treats his staff is beyond me. That's his problem and, of course, theirs. It's a free country and they're free to quit for better more humane employment elsewhere.

In the meantime, former Sestak staffers can click here to blow off a little steam.


  1. It just shows what a phony “nice guy” he is. Kinda like the Clintons.

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  4. Good for you, David. We're all very interested in how high you jump when asked.

    Of course, Randal has a point.

    It's not as if Joe doesn't pass himself off as Mr. Nice Guy.

    People who belong to parties that want to manage other people's workplace relations down to the jokes they tell would do well to better manage their own relations with their own working stiffs.

    Not a huge deal but somewhat revealing.

    David, as for this business of Joe Sestak being your "employee" it seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding of your relationship.

    He is your "representative" in Congress. (Mine too.) If his performance disappoints you, YOU can't fire him. You can withhold your vote from him but that's about it.

    To suggest otherwise, is to have a pretty inflated sense of your own power and importance.

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  6. Lol... I think it's funny how David really seems to think he matters.

    Libs is funny...

  7. Yeah, what a hoot!

    Davey's going to withhold his "commentary, connections and counsel."

    What would Joe Sestak do without David Diano to "counsel" him?

    Man, it doesn't get any better than that!

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  9. I let my words do my talking. You don’t see anyone else here blowing their own horn as to how critical they are to a politico who, btw, had a few other folks vote for him. Lol…

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  11. So which is it?
    Sestak could have been elected without your help?
    Or Sestak could not have been elected without your help?


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  13. That's right, David. When you're in hole, keep digging.

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  15. How do you criticize someone for working too hard?
