
Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Fonda Syndrome

This is freaky.

Freaky but dead on.


  1. I'm all for nuclear power. We should build one in Chester instead of a soccer stadium!

    Jane Fonda doesn't have a great track record with her "causes". Come on Jane, even France knows what's up with nuclear power.

  2. Much better uses for a riverfront than a nuke facility.

    But you're right about the French. They get it when it comes to nukes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Way to go Dave.

    Nice Post. Informative. No invective.

    See, it's not so hard.

    Your turn, Randal.

  5. leftist fear-mongering
    fear of global warming
    widespread panic
    unintended consequences of… [Liberalism]

    It’s all there.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. See how the short-sighted, feel-good Libism “solutions” always –always- end up backfiring with unintended consequences. They always end up harming the very people or things they are trying to help. This is what happens when people rely on their emotions (Libism) rather than grounded logic and measured reason. And yet folks like you continue to embrace that backward emotional mess.

  8. Hanoi Jane and Hanoi John both should have been shot for treason years ago.

    I wonder if they're going to lead the spitting on our returning troops this time too?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yes, the U.S. government should have shot them for treason back then.

    Grow up, Dave. If you can’t win on the internet battlefield get out of the game.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Don’t I recall seeing you, David Diano, threaten the life of our President?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oh, I thought you did. My bad. Gotta watch them trigger words anyway… ;)

    You gonna keep humping my leg to distract from the issue?
    This thread is about how once again misguided feel-good Libism backfired and has ended up doing more harm than good.

    Traitor much?
    The President of the United States is not the enemy.

    (It seems you Hurt Feelings folks can’t be told this enough.)

  15. I notice that the article says nothing about what to do with the radioactive waste from nuclear plants.
    This was the bedrock of many people who were anti-nuke in the late 70's.
    To simply ignore that huge problem is irresponsible journalism.
