
Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Labor Union Day

It turns out the early U.S. Labor movement's historical record when it comes to race isn't any better than the rest of the country's.

Its idea of Affirmative Action was to exclude minorities in the most aggressive ways imaginable. Check out the quote of labor hero Eugene Debs. Pretty bad.


  1. The "present effects of past discrimination" principle... When do the "present effects" become the past effects? Is job discrimination really that prevalent today?

    Could job discrimination really exist without fanfare in todays world of CNN, HNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS, the internet, cell phone cameras, YouTube and radical democrats "championing the cause" (like they do for enemy combatants)?

    Just a thought. I've personally never seen job discrimination.

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  3. I guess it's out there, but I just don't see it. Everywhere I go I see black people working at stores, the airport, cops, fireman, construction, the school district, city hall, coming out of all the offices at the airport business center...

    I just can't think of one place where I only see white people working. Everywhere I've ever worked, I worked with black people and never thought anything of it. It really never mattered what color anybody was.

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  5. Ed, I'm with you.

    David -

    You should OUT these racists that you seem to know so well. Report them to the EEOC.

    But my guess is today, there are probably as many false accusations of racial discrimination as there are actual cases of real discrimination. (Formally and informally.)

    The case recently filed against DA Mike Green as a case in point.

    I do think minorities, especially blacks, still suffer from discrimination in some sectors of the work force.

    But what prevents some bosses from hiring them isn't the fear that "they're all theives" but the fear of being sued if their employment doesn't work out.

    A fired black employee is, if I recall the figure right, 9 times more likely to sue his employer, alleging discrimination than a white employee.

    This knowledge can, in some cases, have a chilling effect on the hiring of blacks.

    You have to be pretty committed to "diversity" to accept such a legal risk. And it acts as a sort of tax against black people.

    It's another unintended consequence of the anti-discrimination movement with all their punitive laws and regulations.

    And yet, huge corporations remain very committed to "diversity" programs. So much so they financially reward mid level managers and executives for hiring minorities and hitting their "diversity" goals.

    There are probably as many executives who get a good feeling from hiring and promoting deserving minority employees than there are who still harbor seriously bad racist attitudes.

    In the meantime, the greatest threat facing black people today isn't white discrimination. It's lousy schools, poor family structure, a sub-culture that promotes the idea that education isn't really important, and the self-defeating attitude that no matter what they do they can't get ahead so why try.

    These are the problems, society and the black community ought to be focusing on, not so much making sure some old white racist has his or her "mind right."

    (OK, so I've broken my own rule about posting long comments. Being Spencerblog does have its privileges.)

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  7. Gil -
    I'm not sure if you were implying that fear of being sued was the primary cause of discrimination against blacks, but if so, I completely disagree.

    The main cause of discrimination is that we all have an inherent bias against diversity. There is plenty of data to show that diversity is good for the workplace, but in general we don’t really create it for ourselves, because we like to work with people who are similar to us.

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  9. David,

    What's wrong with legally carrying a gun? I'm starting to sense that you think that anyone who has an opinion, about any topic, and their opinion is different than yours, you think that person is an a-hole because they are too stupid to see the Diano way.

    It's one thing to have an opinion on things. It's another to be-little others because of their opinion.

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  11. How things have changed. Now Affirmative Action is used to openly discriminate against whites. Although those who opposed the old ways see nothing wrong with this new form of racism, just so long as “their kind” is benefiting from it.
    That’s some “progress”.

    But what prevents some bosses from hiring them isn't the fear that "they're all theives" but the fear of being sued if their employment doesn't work out.

    A fired black employee is, if I recall the figure right, 9 times more likely to sue his employer, alleging discrimination than a white employee.

    This knowledge can, in some cases, have a chilling effect on the hiring of blacks.

    It's another unintended consequence of the anti-discrimination movement with all their punitive laws and regulations.

    Yep. Once again we see that Libs and their misguided efforts end up hurting the folks they’re trying to help.
    The only way to bring an end to the rampant abuses of crying “RACISM!” is to give these racial anglers a real downside to their fishing trip$. Any such claims found to be frivolous and without merit should result in the accuser being charged with ethnic intimidation. That would bring this crap to a screeching halt.

    It's time to stop listening to the black militants and their guilt-ridden Liberal friends.

  12. David:

    I don't think that Gil said that everyone should be armed. I think that the person that said that is the current Mayor of the Borough of Rutledge.

    An armed society is a very polite society!
