
Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Tide is Turning

I missed this piece by Faoud Ajami last week before Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker testified before Congress.

He quotes Iraqi leader Nouri al-Maliki:

"We may differ with our American friends about tactics, I might not see eye to eye with them on all matters. But my message to them is one of appreciation and gratitude," he said. " To them I say, you have liberated a people, brought them into the modern world. They used to live in fear and now they live in liberty. Iraqis were cut off from the modern world, and thanks to American intervention we now belong to the world around us. We used to be decimated and killed like locusts in Saddam's endless wars, and we have now come into the light. A teacher used to work for $2 a month, now there is a living wage, and indeed in some sectors of our economy, we are suffering from labor shortages."

It's nice to be reminded of the graditude that many Iraqis have for our help in liberating them. The question is where they (and we) go from here.


  1. That is a nice quote.

    Something that is often forgotten with all the talk of missing Weapons of Mass Destruction, IED's, insurgents and General's lying is the genocide and other human rights violations committed by Saddam that could never be ended by UN Sanctions, inspections or other diplomatic means.

    If we can hang in there long enough for them to get on their feet, I think they will make it because they have tasted freedom. Generations under Saddam knew nothing but total control.

    The kids who were old enough to remember Saddam, the 11,12,13 year olds when we Liberated them, will be adults soon. They are the future of a Free Iraq.

  2. And 20 years from now I would not be suprised at all if veterans of this war were welcomed back to Iraq and thanked again and again for the sacrifices they made, the bad guys they killed and the freedom they brought to ordinary Iraqis throughout the country.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bush is our leader; Maliki is the Iraqi leader. Get over it, Dave.

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  6. You crack me up David. The leader of Iraq is not a Republican or a Democrat. Why would you not take his word at face value? Are you saying that Iraq was better off under Saddam than it is today?

    You want to prosecute Bush as a war criminal, but you think we should have never went after one of the worst war criminals in history?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Depending on who's estimate you look at, Saddam may have been responsible for killing somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 million people.

    Where are you getting your "100's of thousands" body count of Iraqi's? Are you counting terrorists that our forces have killed? Are you counting innocent civilians that are killed by terrorists or are you saying that US Forces have killed over 100,000 innocent people?

    I certainly think killing bad guy's to get a bad guy is worth it and we can't be held responsible for some lunatic blowing himself and a bunch of innocent people up because he doesn't like us being there.

    Also you said: "Maliki is saying what he needs to keep US support to keep his job."

    Why would he feel compelled to say that if he and no one else in his country wanted us there?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anything to make Bush look worse, eh Dave?
    Those overblown numbers of the shrill Left have been discredited. Quite grasping already. The war is bad enough without you guys dishonestly inflating the costs. Sheesh.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Some of us aren't into scorekeeping the war costs by counting dead bodies like you Libs are just to make Bush look bad.
    You guys are forever weeping about our 3500 war dead. That is barely mentionable in a 5 year war, especially in light of the 60,000 lost in that Dem war Vietnam. Hell, compaired to that, 3500 is looking pretty darn good.
