
Monday, September 24, 2007


... from Northern Michigan and I see some people have been very busy responding to "Situation Normal in Penn Delco."

And to each other.

With all the traffic there, no need for me to weigh in.

But, I understand much has been going on in the district in my absence. Enough to warrant a print column for Wednesday.

As it happens, Wednesday night the school board will meet in public to decide a few things.

What's more interesting, however, is what happened last week when they meet in executive session with their solicitor.

More to come...


  1. so another board member or members have gone running to gil to talk about private conversations from executive session.

    now why would they do that?

    no coincidence, i think, that gil is doing a column on mark sereni the day of the vote on whether sereni stays. gil spencer really wants to make sure the guy goes, he really has a thing for him. gotta wonder why an opinion columnist from another district is so obsessed with one school district and, mostly, its lawyer.

    i dont think there can be any doubt now that gils sources are board members who want and need gil to spin things to deflect attention from their failings and or alleged misdeeds and indiscretions and suit their own agendas. and that gil then protects them by not revealing who they are and not commenting on, or downplaying, the skeletons in THEIR closets. depending on what the column says, i think we may know exactly which ones have been feeding gil and being fed by him.

    anyway, the likelihood that whatever gil prints will be the real deal? my guess is he will get his own name right and thats about it.

  2. Neighbor's quote.......

    "i think we may know exactly which ones have been feeding gil and being fed by him. anyway, the likelihood that whatever gil prints will be the real deal? my guess is he will get his own name right and thats about it."

    Can't have it both ways! First you claim you will be able to tell who Gil's "sources" are depending on the content of the article, but then claim whatever he writes will be false. Need to retake Detective 101!

  3. Gil, I'd like to order 300 laminated copies of your article tomorrow so I can hand out copies at the school board meeting.

    Nah, nevermind that just screams DESPERATION doesn't it?

  4. um, no, atarotangel. gil's sources, undisclosed though they may be, are almost always obvious. just look for who he is protecting (even when it is pretty darn clear that they may have done something questionable or wrong, or that someone else has done something right).

    that doesn't mean what he writes is factual. its all in the spin, isn't it?

    and think about it. if you are a school board member, your intentions are honorable, you have nothing to hide, and you want to make a statement to the public, which would you do? secretly feed a story or private conversations to gil spencer and hide behind him or step up and talk to the public? after all, these board members get the chance to do that every month at school board meetings, with the press right there to record it for them.

  5. Threatening a client with a lawsuit if they fire you, especially when there is no guarantee of continued employment (he serves at the pleasure of the board), is stupid. He has balls, but this is sadly his MO.

    Mark, give it up, you will end up losing your other solicitorships if you keep this up.

  6. Yup, he has brass ones for sure. This just gets more incredible with each passing moment and we have not even gotten to the main event! MS go. Just go. Since you are so confident of your righteous position, just sit back and wait for your opportunity to say, "I told you so." Your fingertips are white from hanging on the ledge. You are going to loose your grip soon enough. Bow out gracefully.

  7. Yes and of course this is all true because Gil said so. Shhhlurrpp. Love that Koolaid!
