
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Jena 6

As I was saying, said better.


  1. The 21st century's civil rights movement will need more sympathetic poster children than the Jena 6. These young men weren't exactly engaged in peaceful civil disobedience when they ran afoul of the law. The injustice here is not that they are being prosecuted for their crime—it is that the many other wrongs that preceded the assault have been inadequately addressed. When you think about it, the logic that underlies the demand to free the Jena 6 comes down to this: These six young men were justified in kicking their lone victim senseless because other people who shared his race committed offenses against other black students. This sort of racial vendetta is diametrically opposed to the message of social justice and cross-racial understanding that underlies the civil rights movement of the last century.


  2. The US Court system is racist. Point blank. I dont expect you to see it because you are "right thinking". It's funny how this country currently has a "critical" crystal meth issue, yet everyone centered around cocaine is getting more time in prisons go figure. I guess the plusses is eventually the people who are using meth are mostly whites/latino's(now considered whites, for number boosting I'm sure) It's not that what these young men have done is right or should go unpunished, its the punishment doesnt fit the crime and since these young men were black they seemed to have received a stiffer sentence, only to be re-thought once pressure was introduced from the federal government and the american public. This is what we are protesting about.

  3. "The US Court system is racist. Point blank"

    "...I guess the plusses is eventually the people who are using meth are mostly whites/latino's(now considered whites, for number boosting I'm sure)..."

    Tell us more of your words of wisdom Mr Anonymous. You are obviously a racist, so we'll say you're an expert on racism!

    I believe it is getting to this point: The black person who cries racism = the boy who cried wolf.

  4. I believe it is getting to this point: The black person who cries racism = the boy who cried wolf.

    We've been there for some time now. They saw the value in that device and have abused it to being worthless, thereby harming the few true cases of racism.
