
Monday, September 10, 2007

Let's Just Move On... Dot Org

The editors of the Weekly Standard convincingly rebut the New York Times' view that it's time to get over what happened on 9/11/01.

(UPDATE: I had a bad link here. It's been corrected. Thanks Davey.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Left wants us to forget about 9/11 because they well know how in its aftermath good people like Bush and Giuliani showed their mettle and displayed great leadership. The Dems have to get our thoughts as far away from those images as possible in order to seize power in the voting booth. They also detest the display of patriotism in that time, for the same reason. (Conversely, they want to keep everyone reminded of our leaders minor missteps in the wake of Katrina. Gotta love them cheap LibDem games!)

    It’s rather despicable how they put their partisan politics and thirst for power above even the 3000 lives murdered on 9/11. But then, they have also played endless cheap political games with the lives of our brave soldiers lost and divided our country for their ravenous thirst for power. Yep, this too is despicable. Anyone who votes for the Dems gives their disgusting ploys tactile approval.

  3. 911 was an inside job. only the Fred Flinstones of the world would think differently.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OK, so we can go back to commemorating it when there's a Democrat in the White House.

    Got it!

  6. I’d like to know if David thinks 9/11 was an inside job.
    It’s always good to know just what level of nutcase you’re dealing with.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You've got to admit Davey, it's the nutcase Left (Rosie, Kanye, Most Def, Charlie Sheen, et al) that is more likely to call 9/11 an inside job.

    Good to know, at least, you're not on that bandwagon.

  9. He may not be on the wagon but he’s sure sweeping up the Donkey crap left in its wake.
