
Monday, September 3, 2007

The Man Behind the Smear

Pat Dollard says this is the billionaire who bankrolled Brian De Palma's smear of the troops.

What's next, a documentary on a gang of NBA referees running a puppy mill?

UPDATE: Dollard's page has gone missing. But here's a different link to the story


  1. I don't give a rip a about what point De Palma or Cuban is trying to convey with this film, the idea of showing a woman being raped is disturbing beyond words. People do not have to witness a rape live to understand its tragedy.

    From what I've read, this film is nothing more than blatantly one-sided propaganda.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. David,

    Actually, I thought of the same film when I read BJ's post.

    It should be supposed that The Accused was made with the best of intentions, to show the trauma and viciousness of rape and to encourage its victims to bring charges so that rapists don't get away with it to attack again.

    That said, there is an element of exploitation in the graphic depiction of such crimes. It's not like we, as a society, don't know rape is BAD. It used to carry the death penalty in many states until we got more enlightened and understanding.

    But there is a rather big difference between dramatizing a true crime story to show the awfulness of that crime, and using rape as a metaphor to promote a political agenda. Just because it an agenda that YOU agree with shouldn't excuse it. That De Palma slanders the entire U.S. military, and every decent, honorable soldier in it, is the greater offense.

    BTW how do we know, that Brian De Palma, maker of such violent films as Dressed to Kill, Scarface and Casualties of War,
    doesn't simply get his rocks off staging and watching such scenes?

    As for one-sidedness, come on. You should know better than to make cracks that can so easily be turned back on you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Diano,
    As you say I have not seen De Palma's movie. That's why I haven't reviewed it. I haven't said it is a cinematically deficient or lousy drama. Although, as I point out above, others have found it lacking.

    I have only commented on De Palma's own well-reported comments that reveal his goals and intentions -- to put the U.S. military and their efforts in Iraq in the worst light possible in the hopes of disgusting enough Americans to demand retreat.

    You're on his side. Man-up to it.

  6. David -
    I'm assuming from your comments that you do not know any women who have been raped. If I'm wrong, I suggest you ask them how they feel about some guy bringing that type of "gritty, violent scene to the screen in a way that feels authentic." It's disgusting.

    As for the movie "The Accused," I'm aware of it, but haven't seen it. Although I do believe it was well-intentioned, I don't know why anyone would need or want to see a movie on that topic.

  7. That said, there is an element of exploitation in the graphic depiction of such crimes. It's not like we, as a society, don't know rape is BAD. It used to carry the death penalty in many states until we got more enlightened and understanding.

    But there is a rather big difference between dramatizing a true crime story to show the awfulness of that crime, and using rape as a metaphor to promote a political agenda. Just because it an agenda that YOU agree with shouldn't excuse it.

    YING! Boy, you’d think that would shut up the dopes.
    If only there were some way we could get them to comprehend reason…

  8. Nah, Libs haven’t hijacked the Media and Entertainment industries and used them to distribute their anti-American propaganda. Preposterous.

    Senator McCarthy has been vindicated.

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  11. Well, there really isn’t any question that filthy Libs –the modern Commies- have indeed infiltrated Hollywood and use it to spread their propaganda. Hell, now there’s even a reverse Black List in place in Lib Hollywood whereby Righties or anyone who fails to tow the Lib line must tread very carefully if they want their projects ever produced.

  12. "…without firing a single shot."
