
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Moving On Down To The Left Side

Rich Lowry convincingly explains how the Dems shot themselves in the foot by kowtowing to the anti-war left.

Money Q:

Throughout this past year, they (the Dems) could have seized the broad middle in the debate concerning the war. They could have worked with a slice of moderate Republicans on legislation that wouldn't have forced an end to the war, but made them the representatives of a bipartisan alternative to Bush's strategy. Instead they talked of ending the war outright, positioning themselves to the left of the public and setting themselves an unattainable goal.

Thus, they became the party of the impotent left-wingers. They fell victim to all the same dreary failings of overreaching congressional Republicans after their takeover of Congress in 1994 -- hubris, self-delusion, and a slavish devotion to their political base.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This didn't take long.

    Bye-bye, MoveOn. Bye-bye Far Left LibDems.

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  4. Nope. The good people are already sick of you Far Left whackos. And MoveOn hasn't even been in power very long!
    Libs always push too far and they are always self-defeating in the end. Read the writing on the wall, Dave... or just in the article.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The one that’s gauging the country’s disgust with MoveOn.

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  8. What's that have to do with America's disgust with you radical Libs?

    Distraction, much, Dave?

  9. David and Randal:

    David, you could learn from Randal, he gets it. Sadly, you don't. Left wing loons like you are all about criticism and hyperbole. It is old and tired, and does not work.

    David, name one thing good that you think the Republicans have done for our Country.

    Also, did either of you read the guest column today from the Muslim who says that the Republican party is run/controlled by the religious right, and that Republicans are/will be fighting a proxy war in Syria, an obvious reference to Israel?

    David pay attention, when your wife and girls are wearing burkas, and men are being executed for sodomy, you can then thank people like Randal for trying to educate people like you. Watch out for those Muslims, they want to kill you!

  10. Yep, the Left seems to forget that the Islamo-Muslim terrorists want to see them dead too.
    And yet the LibDems insist on being the terrorists’ useful idiots. Maybe they think the terrorists just need a hug?
    This is much like how the Left ever advocates on behalf of even militant blacks who hate them as much as they hate the rest of us for the color of our skin.
    Just more Lib misplaced sympathies…

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  12. Oh brother. Are you still weeping about that? Talk about Politics of Personal Attack…

    Here: Our country used to shoot traitors that aid our enemies. Yes, I think our government should get back to that.
    I never said that I was personally going to do anything to anyone. But you always rush to the defense of traitors and in doing so attempt to spin my words. Maybe it is you who should be on the FBI watch list, Dave?

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  14. Oh, give it up, Dave. You and your ilk are the enemies of America. Your Libism has caused more harm to our nation than terrorism ever has.
