
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sauce for the Goose

George Will piles on the NYT over its taking of's General Betray Us? ad. And nails them for their obvious hypocrisy.


  1. Slimy Liberals will lie and do anything in their efforts to advance their positions while stifling their opposition. Anything. Including lying and abusing their holdings in the “News” Media, particularly the Press. It’s all part of the Liberal “By ANY means necessary” Mantra.

    They’re lying to you.

    Maybe it’s time to rethink that whole ‘unabridged freedom of the Press’ thing. Certainly our Founders did not foresee this day when Libs so regularly and underhandedly abuse that power. And had they, you can bet they would have spent more time more carefully crafting that part of the Rule Book.

  2. "Maybe it’s time to rethink that whole ‘unabridged freedom of the Press’ thing.

    That sounds like liberal speak to me. We don't just re-write the Constitution because it isn't real convenient for your cause. Our founding Fathers meant exactly what they wrote in every amendment, including the first two, which everyone is always so eager to change. If you don't like my Constitution, move to France!

  3. Maybe you missed this part of my post, E:
    Certainly our Founders did not foresee this day when Libs so regularly and underhandedly abuse that power.

    Lies and treason are not protected free speech.
    It is time we made lying to the public via editorials and slanted “news” a punishable crime. We’ll make it a misdemeanor to start.
