
Monday, September 10, 2007

Sean of the Dead Right

Almost lost in a story and interview with Sean Penn, director of "Into the Wild" starring newcomer Emile Hirsh (who reportedly gives a dynamite performance) is this nugget:

"Penn dismissed praise of his directorial turn, saying he's always resented it when people ask directors how they elicit great performances from their actors.

"Doesn't happen," he said, tossing in an expletive for emphasis.

"Directors don't get performances out of actors. Actors give great performances to directors."

Penn's politics are adolescent, even atrocious, but you've got to give him this: He's a great actor and here he probably knows what he's talking about.

1 comment:

  1. Being a good actor doesn’t pardon someone’s angry Lib idiocy and treasonous attitudes.
