
Sunday, September 2, 2007

Senator Neincomepoop

Sen. Arlen Specter just said on FOX News Sunday that Larry Craig should rescind his guilty plea on the disorderly conduct charge and his announced intention to resign. Specter rehashed the weak legal case against Craig and said if he could beat the charge, it could change the way the whole situation is viewed by the public.

I don't know if Sen. Specter is insane or secretly an operative of the Democratic National Committee. But his advice is moronic.

And the proof of that was the smirk on Democrat Patrick Leahy's face, while complimenting our senior Senator on his brilliant legal analysis.


  1. What a surprise snarling Arlen said something else stupid. Where are you now Pat Toomey??? And how much longer will PA continue to be embarrassed by old single bullet?

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  3. Obviously, I disagree with Senator Spector's suggestions. It is in the best interest of the Senate for Craig to resign.

    That being said, I'm personally willing to give Senator Craig the benefit of the doubt; I think he deserves some time to explain his side of the story. It's not fair to judge the situation yet considering Craig has discounted the police version of the arrest. ... Maybe I'm being naive, but I found the audio tape to be inconclusive.

    One of my co-workers worked on Senator Craig's campaign committee several years ago, and has nothing but positive things to say about his character. Craig has represented Idaho in Congress for 27 years, and has built deep trust and loyalty across the state. Additionally, his work on the Appropriations Committee has delivered millions of dollars for public works projects, nonprofit organizations, farmers, ranchers and businesses.

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  5. E ... if he hadn't been stupid enough to plead guilty, I think the controversy would be centered around the facts.

  6. David - If it's not too difficult to explain, could you tell me how to insert a link into a comment? Thanks in advance!!

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  8. David,
    That was very nice of you. Seriously.
    I'll even forgive the plug.

  9. Thank you! I'll check out your blog.

    Tell me what you think of this:
    Miss Teen South Carolina

  10. Google: "Five men busted at Ridley Creek on sex charges". This is not confined to Craig's area, that's for sure.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. While Arlen has disappointed Democrats hoping for a moderate in

    Lie. The Dems know that they can usually count on RINO Specter for support and so do you.

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