
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Slimey New Low

A pretty fair assessment of how low the Democrats have sunk and what that portends.

Money quote:

"Betrayal," as every military officer knows, is a word that through the history of their profession bears the stain of acts that are both dishonorable and unforgivable. That is to say, didn't stumble upon this word; it was chosen with specific intent, to convey the most serious accusation possible against General Petraeus, that his word is false, that he is a liar and that he is willing to betray his country. The next and obvious word to which this equation with betrayal leads is treason. That it is merely insinuated makes it worse."



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Like I said, disgraceful.

    And becoming typically so.

  3. Libs are like angry children. When they get to acting out they point their fingers and scream that their opponent is guilty of what they are. It’s the political equivalent of “I know you are but what am I?”

    Everyone knows that these radical Lib anti-war groups are the traitors to their country in all this. Simply accusing the other side of this changes not this truth.
    Heck, they sound just like Osama when they really get on a roll!

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  5. Nice wiggling.
    Give it up, Dave. This thread is not about the content or motivations of Petraeus’ report but about the despicable preemptive attack on him by his treasonous fellow Americans.

    Yeah, they ran it before they even heard what his report contained. What's that tell us about their level of blind oposition?

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  7. To pretend that LibDems hadn’t decided months ago that they would oppose it is ridiculous.

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  10. You’re grasping, Davy.
    What does any of that have to do with the fact that every LibDem decided months ago that they were going to blindly oppose the report no matter what it said because they hate Bush and want to again use the war for votes this election?

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  12. Huh? Have you been drinking tonight, Dave? I’ve already won this one.

    The filthy LibDems were against it even before they were against it. And that’s that.

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