
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

They Married an Axe-Murderer

It's just one anti-war protester but it's clear the left world-wide is becoming more and more unhinged.


  1. Hartmann wanted to punish the Netherlands for its support of the war in Iraq.
    "He hates soldiers, and says that the army kills people, so it would be legitimate if he were also to kill someone . . . from the American military - or from its NATO allies,"

    Nah, the Left isn’t full of traitorous whackos. Nonsense!

    Hey, maybe if we can keep the war going a few more years all their heads will explode?!

    I can’t wait to see David defend this fellow Lib.

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  3. Funny how all the anti-war nuts are your fellow Lefties, Dave.

    Come on, aren’t ya gonna tell us this is just this guy’s version of “dissent”? How he is “patriotic”? Lol…

  4. I think I figured out what's wrong with David. This is no B.S. and I want you to give me some feedback and tell me if I didn't nail this. It's called Oppositional Defiant Disorder or ODD. The symptoms are:

    Symptoms include a pattern of negative, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least six months. During this time four or more specific behaviors must be present. These behaviors include the child who:

    * often loses his/her temper

    * often argues with adults

    * often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules

    * often deliberately annoys people

    * often blames others for his/her mistakes or misbehavior

    * is often touchy or easily annoyed by others

    * is often angry and resentful

    * is often spiteful or vindictive

    * misbehaves

    * swears or uses obscene language

    * has a low opinion of him/herself

  5. LOL! Ed! You just described every sniveling Liberal! Like angry children they are!

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  7. Oh brother…

    “packing fudge”

    Never have I typed those words, “liar”. But seeing what pathetic lengths you’ve gone to here to defend yourself and ‘set the record straight’ (-Lol) it should come as no surprise to anyone that a Lib like you would, well, lie.
    Besides, you sound like a child. “Randal did it first!”

    You're a mess.

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  9. I though Ed was talking about Bush. Seriously though, this Hartman guy is a nut, is it any wonder being that AMSTERDAM is chock full of druggies?

  10. David:

    What exactly is a homophobe, and do you really believe that homosexuality is as normal, and godly as heterosexuality?

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  12. David:

    You don't get it and probably never will. It has been said that only the religious right will not cower to the homosexual agenda which promotes victimology and the doctrines of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion.

    Although I self identify with the conservative religious right (the majority of the people that do get it), people like me are not bigots and do not advocate the discrimination against homosexuals. To the contrary, people like me feel sorry for them and are willing to help them leave their "destructive" lifestyle. I am not sure where I read the quote, but for people like, disagreements are now redefined as hate. Stop the name calling!

  13. It's hard to understand completely the thought process of the ignorant or irrational.

    And yet you do such a good job of demonstrating it.

    Once again, merely denying a demanding group special rights does not equal “discriminating against” them.
    Also, the petty “homophobe” inference is a childish Lib ploy and nothing more.

    And once again we can count on our resident Liberal to interject race into a conversation where it has no place. Why do you guys always try to compare being gay to being black anyway? That’s the height (or low) of grasping. Yep, pathetic and offensive.

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  16. They already enjoy equal rights.
    As for the rest of your silly pro-Gay Agenda dance, well, we’ve already covered that.

    Why do you Libs always drag Cheney’s daughter into… Aw forget it. I know why. You guys are despicable as you grasp…

  17. David:

    Being homosexual is a choice and a lifestyle. The Bible speaks about homosexuality in very clear and unambiguous terms. You are not "born" gay. If you were born "gay", you would not reproduce as homosexuals cannot procreate their "own". That said, even Darwin would agree that the homosexual gene would have to die off, leaving only heterosexuals.

    Whether you believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour or not, there is nothing even closely complementary or natural about 2 people of the same sex engaging in sex acts.

  18. I bet David enjoys gay porn.

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  21. Gay activism = “enlightenment”. Check.

    Lol… Libs…

  22. David:

    I have said this before - you just don't get it, adn you never will. You don't have to be a biologist or a bible thmper (as you say), to know that homosexual sex is not natural sex. As you well know, that other orifice does not self lubricate either.

    Also, Dave, will you be going to Outfest this year in the "Gayborhood". They are publicly promoting, among other activities, their famous penis shaped bagel eating contest. Now that is real family fun!

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  24. (other than the civil rights part)

    And you know nothing about that beyond the special rights you want to bestow upon them.

    Why don't you take your filthy talk to your own board where no one will read it but you, Dave?

  25. David:

    This is great. You know nothing about biology, or the Constitution. As for the Constitution, it is people like you that have turned it into a malleable piece of clay that your type will mold to fit your agenda. I can make a VERY clear argument about how this has actually already happened, all because of the liberal "anything goes" approach to life. You can say "so what" all you want, but without limits (morals) we are nothing but a land mass of individuals, not a nation with real values.

    As for my knowledge of the gay community, it comes from the ACLU and others like you that keep me busy protecting Truth. The other knowledge about the bagels comes from looking at the website for Outfest. They publicly advertise great family fun! It is depraved.

    One other thing, there are people like those you champion who also think it is "normal" to engage in pedophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornogrphy, drug dealing, killing (including abortion), stealing, etc....

    Think about it Dave, you hear Truth (and there is no denying that Truth works in every instance) and you stick your fingers in your ears and start repeating "I can't hear you". Do yourself a favor, come back!

  26. Them Libs are a mess. How anyone takes them at all seriously is beyond me.

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  28. Such an elevating discussion. But I have a question.

    Couldn't a pedophile say "That's just the way I was born"?

  29. David:

    Behavior, aka choice, is not an immutable charachteristic, like race. What about Sheryl Swoopes, she goes from straight to homosexual. Can she do that with race? Also, how many times has the ACLU come to the aid of a Christian?

    Like I said before, Darwin advocated survival of the fittest, which is not compatible with homosexuality. Will you be entering the bagel eating contest?

  30. Gil:

    It used to be just the Army commercials that said "Be all that you can be". Now that is the liberal mantra. So long as they live in their world where there is no moral baseline, they can do whatever they want as everything is ok. That is why libs like Ted Kennedy protect groups like NAMBLA.

  31. Hasn’t the ACLU defended perverts’ “right” to have sex with children? Now there’s an honorable group.

    Libs try to pretend as if their manufactured “gays are born that way” argument trumps all and ends the debate. It doesn’t, anymore than Algore claiming the global warming debate to be “over” just because he says so.

    And what about kids who dabble in –oops, I mean “experiment”- with homoism in college because they have been programmed to believe that it’s ‘just another perfectly acceptable lifestyle choice’? What, were they only born partially gay?
    What about Anne Heche (sp?)? She used to be gay but now she’s not. This is odd, if she were born that way.

    And, sorry Dave, your grasping attempts to always compare race to sexuality has failed. And it is offensive.

    So much for “honest debate” from the Left.

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  33. Gays and their Liberal sympathizers lobbied long and hard to have their buddies in the Psychological Community change the Gay designation from “mental illness” to a new interpretation of “normal”. And then, magically, one day they told us that gays were born that way! “Golly, that explains everything!”
    I can’t wait for them to come out and say how it is we heteros who have the mental problems and not the gays at all! Lol…

    So, once again we see that -just as with everything else Libs get their filthy hands on- Science has been hijacked and corrupted by Lib abuses in order to advance their political and social agendas, to being utterly worthless.

    And you dishonest agenda driver Libs ever cite this “science” as some sort of “proof” happily ever after. Lol… Why, that’s like some radical Lib columnist ever citing New York Times editorials as “proof” to bolster their ridiculous claims!

  34. David:

    I do not believe in evolution, as I believe that God created us, but I do believe in a form of survival of the fittest in the sense that if you are gay and don't procreate, how do you perpetuate your gayness? Unless of course, it is a learned behavior (which it is).

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  36. Since "gayness" can occur spontaneously, it can continue to exist.

    Are you kidding? You just proved my point. when you stand for nothing, you believe in anything. If being homosexual were random as you now state, there is nothing genetic about it. It is a choice, you are not born with it.

    Keep going Dave, you are making this up as you go. Also, where is your cite to this idiotic study you reference?

    If you can't tell me then that is further proof that you and your type are more interested in hyperbole than Truth.

  37. Since "gayness" can occur spontaneously, it can continue to exist. Also, since gays are forced to hide their identity from a hostile society, they may have advanced intellectual or other survival skills.

    LMAO! So gayness can occur spontaneously too, they're not just born that way! Boy, you're covering all your lying bases here, huh?
    And they're smarter than everyone else too! Hahahaha...

    Are you gay, Dave? And if not, why would you go to such pathetic grasping lengths to defend them?

    Read my above post. That's the truth about all this gay "science". Sorry.

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  39. David:

    How about that study? Where can I find it?

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  41. Ok. Now show us the ideological leanings of these scientists, since Libs’ propensity to manipulate science to suit their wants is so well known.

    And, again, why do you work so hard to defend gays unless you are one?

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  43. Oh, now you're back to those special rights you want for your gay friends...
