
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tomorrow's News Today

A preview of tomorrow's print column:

So now what?

Now that solicitor Mark Sereni has been discharged, ridding the Penn-Delco school district of its hapless Inspector Javert, where does the district go from here?

Who knows? But based on what I saw Wednesday night, it doesn't look good.


  1. How long before Marple and Springfield School Districts start scrutinizing his bills?

  2. My guess is probably 9am this morning!

  3. Dale, worry about your own daughter, man.

  4. Mr. Spencer,
    I have just two words for you...........THANK YOU!!

  5. Hooo, those last two "pieces" of yours should wind you up in court!! Bout time somebody stands up to you. You're nothing but an old junkyard dog.

    And you should update your picture. You're not recognizable anymore, man. Your character is really showing on your face and it ain't pretty.

  6. Gil be gone,

    How old are you? 5? Let me guess what the next sour grapes comment out of you will be.

    "Gil, you're ugly and your momma dresses you funny"

    You can change your name, but your juvenileness shines through every time.

  7. Just because you may disagree with an opinion does not a libel make. Or something…

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Boy, some people just go over the edge when their feelings get hurt.

  10. You got that right Randal, as a parent I would be so ashamed if my children ever saw me act the way a lot of these people on here are acting. I've seen 5 year olds with more integrity.

  11. Just wanted to holler a big THANK YOU Gil. For not giving up on the Penn-Delco issue. You had the guts to say what many didn't want said. I wonder what they will all say when the real truth hits the front page. Good job!!!!!

  12. Gil, you should be so proud of your following.

    It may be the blind leading the blind, in addition to the idiot leading the idiots!

  13. Get over it already. Sheesh.

  14. The Penn-Delco school district will continue to go in a downward spiral as long as Mr. Steffy and his side kick are running the show. Much has not come out yet that the public needs to know.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Gil Spencer, I don't think you shouldn't allow someones medical history to be put on this blog. Smells like lawsuit to me.

  17. Wow! I suspected Ed Pilla, but I'm shocked about Mr. Steffy.

    Mr. Steffy and his side kick along with their two cronies need to be terminated after what they pulled a couple of weeks ago on a Penn-Delco Employee who is no longer.

  18. Hey,

    How about Mr. Steffy receiveing a 4% raise, even after what was revealed in W.Bender's article. How crazy is that.

    More ridiculous,not one person objected from those who attacked Mark Sereni, who wanted to expose Steffy's dirty deeds.

    How much longer will those who attacked Sereni, allow Mr. Steffy to hide behind their skirt?

    They have been brainwashed.

    Keep up the Good Work Bill!

  19. I'm very interested in who Mr.Steffy's sidekick is?
