
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gore In The Dock

A British court has found Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" full of convenient untruths and says that if it is going to be shown in schools it should be appropriately labeled and corrected by teachers.

The First Amendment prevents American courts from involving themselves in these sorts of issues.

But common sense and good teaching practice should require educators in this country to educate themselves about the film's shortcomings before inflicting it on children.


  1. Al Gore is a complete tool bag. The more he shows his "crazy" side, the scarier it is that he was a few hanging chads away (and for 8 years he was a heartbeat away) from running this show.

  2. But common sense and good teaching practice should require educators in this country to educate themselves about the film's shortcomings before inflicting it on children.

    Not a chance. That would run exactly counter to their intended Lib indoctrination of their targets.

    Funny how Algore has been bestowed (as opposed to actually winning on merit) an Oscar, an Emmy and maybe now even the Nobel Prize for his widely discredited shrillumentary on the sky falling.
    These are perfect examples of Libs taking care of their fellow Libs by abusing their holdings in order to offer undeserved validation to the Liberal cause.
    They have corrupted to being worthless those once honorable citations with their Liberal abuses. Just like they do everything else they get their filthy hands on.

    They're lying to you.
