
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Her Hypocrisy is Awesome

It has been well reported that Hillary Clinton listened to illegally recorded conversations of her political opponents back in 1992.

More importantly, it has not been denied by the Clinton camp.

A GOP official said, “Hillary Clinton’s campaign hypocrisy continues to know no bounds. It is rather unbelievable that Clinton would listen in to conversations being conducted by political opponents, but refuse to allow our intelligence agencies to listen in to conversations being conducted by terrorists as they plot and plan to kill us."

What does Barack Obama, John Edwards and the rest of the Democratic candidates for president have to say about this?

UPDATE: When I say "her opponents" I mean her and her husband's opponents.

UPDATE II: Remember, the hateful Karl Rove announced a few months ago that HRC was a "fatally flawed candidate." It seems to be taking many Democrats quite a while to catch on.


  1. It is rather unbelievable that Clinton would listen in to conversations being conducted by political opponents, but refuse to allow our intelligence agencies to listen in to conversations being conducted by terrorists as they plot and plan to kill us.

    Ain’t that the truth. Makes one wonder to what lengths the Left is willing to go to harm America just so they can seize power.

    Used to be that people were repulsed by things like hypocrisy and lying. But anymore it would seem these are accepted traits from/to the Left.
    All part of their “By any means necessary” mantra. Including lying and treason.
    Gotta love that all that “progress” from the progressives.

  2. Ummm . . . Gil . . . "well reported" is not the same as "true." Also, an absence of denial is not an admission.

  3. Duh.

    But this is politics, not a courtroom.

    As Thomas More said, courts must construe according to the law. The world must construe according to its wits.

    Given the Clintons' proclivity to parse words right down to the word "is," voters are entitled to their questions and to have the other candidates press for answers.
