
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just a Bunch of Noise!

Director Henry Bean has very sensitive ears and he's decided to make a movie about it.

I especially like his analysis of Democracy.

"For me, noise becomes a metaphor for power. The noise that I have to listen to, that I have no control over, that invades my house, my ears, my thoughts... in a way that's how our governments are," he said.
"We live in a world where the governments are extremely unresponsive to what the citizens want."

Yeah, that's the problem. The U.S. government isn't responsive enough to what PEOPLE want. That certainly explains all that taxpayer financed spending, transfer payments, medicaid coverage, farm subsidies and the like. Not to mention tax cuts!

By the way, there's a solution to having to put up with all that NOISE!


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