
Thursday, October 11, 2007

NYPD to Jimmy Carter: Drop Dead

Scott Ott has the breaking news over at Scrappleface.


  1. Thats not a nice way to treat an ex President of the United States is it?

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  3. Hah! Jimmy Carter's credentials still include that little incident with the hostages from the US Embassy in Iran. They would have remained hostages for 4 more years if Reagan didn't get elected. That's like saying the Phillies have the credentials to talk about playing in the playoffs.

  4. e said...
    "Hah! Jimmy Carter's credentials still include that little incident with the hostages from the US Embassy in Iran. They would have remained hostages for 4 more years if Reagan didn't get elected. That's like saying the Phillies have the credentials to talk about playing in the playoffs."

    Yeah, and Ronnie Raygun (My Hero) contacted the Iranians and delibertly had those same hostages kept there until he was oficially declared PRESIDENT!

    Get your FACTS stright there "E".

  5. Thats not a nice way to treat an ex President of the United States is it?

    And yet that’s nothing compared to how the Angry Left treats our sitting President …and during wartime no less!

    Carter = maybe our worst president ever. What a disgrace he was/is.

  6. 444 days in captivity while Jimmy Carter did nothing. I got that fact straight! He was a punk and the Iranians knew it. Sanctions don't scare fanatics. They only understand one thing, a$$-whipping. And they knew one was coming.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
