
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Please, Help the Children!

Dr. Mark Hemingway has identified a new and ugly threat to our nation's children.
It's called Manipulated Child Syndrome (MCS) and it's threatening to reach epidemic proportions.

There is, however, a cure.


  1. Can't we make Liberal lying a crime?

  2. Thanks for the link Gil. Every American should be required to read the first paragraph of this story. It does a great job of boiling the issue down to a nutshell. Unfortunately, all voters care about/have time for any more is the sound byte. Which is probably one of root causes of MCS!

  3. What a great illustration of how we are letting our children down. At the rate we are going, we will live in a society depicted in the beginning of "Running Man". Everyone will be the same, except for the ruling class.

  4. Can't we make rethuglican lying a crime, too?
    Plenty of R pols have manipulated kids to serve their agenda.
    I wonder when Gil will post one of those articles.....

  5. Calculated and dishonest perception manipulation –lying- has become a core trait of Modern Liberalism implementation.

    Pick any topic and I can show you how they’re lying to us. And who likes to be lied to? Are those the sort of folks we want calling the shots and running the show?
