
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Putting Turkey on Double Secret Probation

If Nancy Pelosi and Tom Lantos are secretly trying to undermind the war effort this is an excellent way to do it.

But the cat's out of the bag and they need to be called on it.


  1. ...we are no longer able to discern whether the Speaker's (Pelosi) foreign-policy intrusions are merely misguided or are consciously intended to cause a U.S. policy failure in Iraq.

    The answer is B, consciously intended to cause a U.S. policy failure in Iraq.

    This is what we got when you dopes voted to “send Bush a silly message about the war” last Fall and handed power to the LibDems.
    Are these the sort of traitors we want running our country?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another lame and inaccurate shot from Camp Diano that avoids the question.

    Why in 2000 did Rep. Tom Lantos avoid bringing up the genocide in Turkey when Bill Clinton was president?

    "This legislation at this moment in U.S.-Turkish relations is singularly counterproductive to our national interest," Lantos said in September 2000.

    So what makes it so important to bring up now when so much more is at stake in the region? Unless the goal is to undermine U.S. relations with Turkey at this critical time.

    This is partisanship taken a disgraceful extreme.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That's quite a pathetic grasp ya got there, Dave. (snicker)

    Maybe you should try again.

    This is gonna hurt your LibDonkey friends. That's what happens when they push to the extreme.
