
Monday, November 19, 2007

Hillary's Feminine Mystique

New York University History professor Jonathan Zimmerman says it's time to get rid of gender stereotypes and offers this insight:

"(Hillary) Clinton has spent most of the campaign trying to dispel the idea that she's too feminine - too gentle, too thoughtful, too caring - to lead the nation. But when she adopts a tough persona, especially on issues of foreign policy and defense, some voters complain that she's behaving like a man."

I, of course, disagree. I think the Democratic candidate who has to dispel the rumor that she is too feminine, gentle, thoughtful, and caring is John Edwards.

Clinton doesn't "adopt" a tough persona. She IS tough. Her problem isn't that voters perceive her as behaving like a man. Her problem is they percieve her as behaving like a "bitch." And a frosty one at that.

Sounds like it's Zimmerman who has the stereotyping problem: his are all wrong.


  1. I think the Democratic candidate who has to dispel the rumor that she is too feminine, gentle, thoughtful, and caring is John Edwards.

    Yeah, them Libs are a feminine bunch.
    Emotion -feelings- is never a good foundation for on which to base policy. Why anyone listens to cowardly weepy Libs anymore is anyone's guess. They're so fragile.

  2. John Edwards is going to need a big hug after that one.

  3. That is why Rush calls him the Breck Girl.

  4. How any self-respecting man can be a Liberal is beyond me. There is nothing more pathetic in this world than a Liberal male.
