
Thursday, November 1, 2007

The New Solicitor in Penn Delco

A preview of tomorrow's print column today:

On Wednesday, I called Mike Levin, the new solicitor for the Penn Delco school board, to see how things were going now that he's gotten his feet wet.

Before I said a thing, the first words out his mouth were these:

"Who's been arrested today?"

He was kidding. And he got the laugh he intended to get. In these dark times in this district it helps to have a sense of humor. Mike Levin does, plus a whole lot more.

Check it out.

(But for some reason I think some people are just going to hate it.)


  1. Gee, Gil, I wonder where you're going with this one. Somebody ought to arrest you for harrassment. You're a complete psycho.

  2. Altough Mr. Levin is undoubtedly a nice guy, have you told him that the primary reason he is benefitting from your largesse is that you have a desperate need to deflect attention from the fact that you caused the former solicitor to be fired based on information you apparently received from corrupt sources, and which you repeatedly and mailciously printed and continue to publish?

  3. To "anonymous"
    You need to find another dead horse to flog, okay? It's embarassing!

  4. Hi Penn-Delco Survivor!

    Gil's the one who needs to find another dead horse to flog.

    I can say that, because he's my good, good friend.


  5. "Obsession" by Gilman Spencer.

    "Wear it and repel all the ladies, except the one in Fatal Attraction."

    (Picture Gil in a blonde wig with a bunny in one hand and a long knife in another.)

  6. Gil, I totally understand why you keep up with this story. It's absolutely friggin hysterical to see how these characters get their panties in a bunch over such ridiculous things. I hate to see grown men cry, but reading these post is like a trainwreck. I can't stop watching these babies.

  7. To haha

    Who says only men hate Gil? I find him completely replusive in very imaginable way. I have a feeling you are too.

  8. It’s funny what hurt feelings will cause small-minded people to say.

  9. Icy Hot is not Icy from GoAston.

    If you people are so pathetic that you try to pretend to be other anonymous posters from other threads, you need to get a life.

    Gil, you rock.


    One of your co-workers.

  10. Gil,

    You have all of the girlie men's knickers in a bunch! Gotta luv ya! Keep up the good work!

  11. Gil,

    I can't wait to get to work tomorrow! I am anxiously awaiting your column. I love how you have all of these weasels squirming.

  12. I am not the Icy who works with me, umm, I mean Gil at the Daily Times.

    Even though Icy works for the Daily Times, Icy is completely objective and always truthful, accurate and fair in her commentary on the Penn Delco situation, just like Gil is.

    I swear.

    The fact that a certain employee of the Daily Times spoke at a Penn Delco public meeting in an apparent attempt to suggest that a long-time, well-respected secretary of the district had engaged in an evil conspiracy against the public and the Daily Times, has nothing to do with Icy.

    I swear.

    P.S. You rock too, Icy!

  13. You are an idiot. I am an objective employee of the paper. I don't work in editorial, so my opinion does not matter, but I am a Penn-Delco tax payer who had the paper work to prove that the ad in question was LATE. And, I have every right to speak at the school board meetings.

  14. By the way, I'm flattered you think I'm Gil.


  15. As usual with Gil, all the hype amounted to nothing. Big deal print column. Who cares?

  16. I can't even address you by name, you don't deserve it,

    You are such a hypocrite. You just can't stand the fact that your playmate and source of information that has absolutely no business serving on anything in this school district and I hope the voters have enough sence to realize that on Tuesday, got caught and you continue to try and protect him. Even though I do not know of Mr. Levin it seems he is some buddy of yours and I take exception to his comment that you printed, who got arrested today. If he thinks that's funny nobody is laughing. As a 30 year plus resident I'm offended and it just further exposes your arrogance that you feel you can say, print and damage those people that have lived and raised their children in this community while you were still in diapers.And it is painfully apparent you still wear them with this vendetta you have against Mr. Sereni. I have no personal choice who serves as solicitor for the school district as long as they do the job they are being paid for and conduct themselves in a professional manner, which Mr. Levin did not demonstrate with his comment to you. You completed your mission, you sold some of the residents that attend the school board meetings a bill of goods and you used them to do your dirty work, shame on them for being so naive. They as well as you are not the answer they just like you compound the problem. Why don't you try leaving the school board alone,they're doing just fine weeding out the bad apples in my opinion, as for you please take your silly games to your hometown, we don't want you in ours.

  17. Gil, if you want to compliment the new solicitor, then by all means you should do so. But to use him as an excuse for you to continue bashing the old solicitor is just childish, and very transparent.

  18. I know Mark. I don't understand any of this. He's a great lawyer and a really good guy. I can't believe he keeps getting hammered like this out of all the people I know, he's one of the last you would think bad of.

    I feel terible that him and his family has been put through this by Gil Spencer over and over. It's not right.

    Oh and I am anonymous because I have seen what Gil does to people and I'm not letting him pick on me next.

  19. Did Mr. Levin really say that John Green voting for tax money to go to his own company was not a technical conflict of interest? So, according to you he disagrees with the DAs office which charged John Green with a felony for that conflict of interest?

    Or is it possible you misquoted him in order to make it look like he agrees with your campaign to whitewash what Green did to save your own ass?

  20. Get a grip. It was 800 bucks. Sheesh.

  21. But it was tens of thousands of dollars of no-bid work to his own company! That's the point, you knucklehead! What's the matter, Randall, soft on white-collar crime?

  22. Oh, I see, I suspected that’s what it really was. You weepers are just trying to even the score between Repub white-collar criminals and your beloved Dem black-collar violent variety.

    That is not the point. His felony charge isn’t for any no-bid contract but for the 800 kickback, knucklehead.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Gil, if you do off yourself, could you please do us a favor and take a few of these Libs with you when you go?

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. randal - you are a flaming racist. I hope some big black dude whups your ass.

  27. Hey Anon #17, you are a coward.

    And just in case you didn’t get the memo, whites are permitted to say the word black.

  28. why did Gil put up a totally inappropriate comment joking about killing himself, then remove it, then remove someone else's comment referencing HIS comment? Is this dude nuts?

  29. Sounds like he is cracking under the stress of facing the constant barrage of truth about himself being shared here.

    Of course, he brought every bit of it on himself! What did this zero seriously think people were going to say about him?

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Gil's getting scared. Notice the number of removed posts referring to his admitting to lying to us.

  32. Other people should be scared, not Gil.

  33. yeah? Gil's the one who admitted to lying to us in his blogs and articles. Or didn't you get to see that before he removed it?

  34. I saw it. And printed it out.

  35. That is really obsessive and pathetic.

  36. Thanks! I learned all about obsessive and pathetic from Gilly-boy.

  37. This is some funny stuff! Better than cable tv!
