
Friday, November 30, 2007

The President's Reading List

Fred Barnes reports President Bush is reading, among other books, John Kennedy Toole's classic "The Confederacy of Dunces" (Actually, the name of the book is "A Confederacy of Dunces")

In any case, the president's enemies can have great fun with the book's title and suggest how fitting that he should be reading it, given how well it describes his administration, and all that.

But I think it's great the prez can find time to read such a great and funny book.

Some of his critics, if they haven't read it, should read it too. It's a hoot. And a reminder that we're all part of the same confederacy.


  1. does he get milk and cookies when dick cheney reads it to him at bedtime???

  2. Andy Reilly's letters to the Editor should be on his reading list. Then, he would see how a real leader operates. I think Reilly does have Jedi mind powers. I would bet his metachlorian count is off the charts!
