
Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Child Was Born... Horrors!

Mark Steyn corrects Al Gore's and Hillary Clinton's misapprehensions about the baby Jesus... and other things.


  1. Doesn't Hillary mean a homeless unborn fetus? Is it proper to refer to the unborn human as a "child" while it is still subject to "choice"?!?! Or is it OK during the run up to Christmas to refer to unborn humans as "child", just so long as that term is restricted to the unborn Jewish kid with the star following him around. Good thing, since "What Fetus Is This?" is not as snappy a Christmas song.

    This story also goes to show that Herod was a Democrat. All of that big government, travel to other cities to take the census business. We probably shouldn't blame Herod was probably his health department's idea.

    All of the nonsense with the

  2. What's funny is they are serious. We need George Bush to get on board and say some of the crazy stuff they are saying. They will be repulsed by their own crazy ideas and have to come up with new crazier ideas.
