
Monday, December 3, 2007

A Liberal Who Got Krugged

Carmen Khia look-a-like Paul Krugman takes Obama to task for not supporting government mandated and controlled universal healthcare.

Two things jumped out at me from the column.

"Why have a mandate?" Krugman rhetorically asks and then answers. "The whole point of a universal health insurance system is that everyone pays in, even if they’re currently healthy, and in return everyone has insurance coverage if and when they need it.

Of course, everyone doesn't pay in. In fact, millions don't and won't. The poor are already exempted from having to "pay in" the current system and they will not be required to pay in any new system.

Second, Krugman lauds John Edwards for his proposal that...

"(I)ndividuals be required to show proof of insurance when filing income taxes or receiving health care. If they don’t have insurance, they won’t be penalized — they’ll be automatically enrolled in an insurance plan."

How about we require individuals to show proof of citizenship and identification when they vote? I guess that won't work because they would have to be penalized by being turned away from the polls.

Krugman trashes Obama for siding with right-wingers, the "enemies of reform." But what he means is the "enemies" of left-wing reform that demands universal federal government mandates and control.

How about this sort of reform, Carmen? It makes a whole lot more sense in the long run.

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