
Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Little Angry Wolf

The "helpless" Naomi Wolf howls about the Bush Administration trampling of the constitution, warrant-less wiretapping and the "overhyped narrative of the global war on terror."

Her own narrative includes the words: "heedless, appalled, abuses, powerless,"
and phrases like "potential criminals" "possible wrongdoers" "voluntary self-emasculation" "the mild-manner gate-keeper of the first bolgia of Hell, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez.

Overhyped? Who's to say?

But her most damning criticism is for Democrats:

"The Democrats in Congress cannot even get their own members together to defend the Constitution against a supremely unpopular executive who has essentially spit in their faces, eaten their lunch and the nation's, and publicly called them out as powerless. Not to mention the fact that they are setting a precedent for the future that any executive can emasculate any Congress and defy any subpoena after having committed possibly any crime. Still they are trembling under the barstools -- summoning up, perhaps, the courage to crawl out fully prone and toss their untouched guns humbly at the feet of the posse."

She closes her (dare I call it?) diatribe with this demand of her readers:

"Tell your representative to move forward with contempt. And if your representatives fail to act, the punishment should not just be removal from office in the next election; they should also be subject to investigations themselves -- for abetting crimes against the Constitution."

I doubt the cannibalization of Democrat Party is good for the country. But it is entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Same old weepy BS from an angry Liberal who's had her feelings hurt. Why don't these people save themselves the time and typing and just write "Wah! I hate Bush!" and be done with it? That about matches the quality and depth of the petty poop they post.
