
Friday, January 4, 2008

There Will Be Generosity

Actor Daniel Day Lewis is getting excellent reviews for his part in the new film "There Will Be Blood."

I have long been a Lewis fan but never more so than when I read what he did for his long lost brother-in-law.

Lewis is married to Rebecca Miller, daughter of the famous playwrite and liberal icon Arthur Miller.

It was recently reported that Miller had another child, Daniel, whom Miller had institutionalized when he was an infant. Daniel has Down Syndrome.

Today he is 41 (or 42) years old but his father, for whatever reason, could never acknowledge his son's very existence until, it seems, Lewis convinced him to.

The story about Miller and his long-forgotten son appeared in Vanity Fair some months ago. (Read it here.) It is sad beyond belief. But if it has a hero it is Daniel Day Lewis whose heart is as big as his acting talent.

UPDATE: After re-reading the article, I should say there are definitely other heroes in this tale besides Lewis. They include all the people who took care to raise and educate Danny Miller, who comes off as a bit of a hero himself.

1 comment:

  1. As a parent of a special needs child, I know the decision to go to a residential placement has be extraordinarily difficult. It was common back then. I really don't see where Miller ever welcomed his son back into his life. He might as well have not included him in the will. By doing it so carelessly and leaving the money directly to him, it was one more f u since the government could now go after him for reimbursement for past care, which over his lifetime, were likely very expensive. Thank God for the hardworking and grossly underpaid social service people who work with our kids. Where would we be without them?
