
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Let History Judge

Some people put a lot of stock in presidential approval ratings, especially since George Bush's is so low.

But the lowest since they've been measured belongs to "Give 'Em Hell" Harry Truman, who is generally considered by historians to be a pretty decent president.

Truman's unpopularity was certainly tied to the Korean War that, in the long run, saw 58,000 Americans killed.

Preventing South Korea from being overrun by the communists of the North was certainly a good thing for the citizens of that now properous country. Especially compared to the gulag that passes for a country under Kim Jong Il.

History has been kind Truman. Whether it is as kind to George Bush will depend on whether Iraq continues on its path to being the only functioning Arab democracy in the Middle East.

We will see.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. But seriously, other than the war, which is pretty unpopular, all the other stuff you mention (exept for the economy) is stuff the left has exaggerated.

    The Angry Left howls about so-called "torture" (disgusting) and "warrant-less wiretaps, (outrageous) the Libby pardon (horrendous) and the consulting of the all players in energy policy (crazy) but normal Americans are hardly bothered by any of that stuff.

    They know Bush's enemies have exaggerated that stuff.

    No, Bush's unpopularity has to do with the war, and the slipping economy. Plus after 7 years, Bush fatigue has understandably set in.

    But 10 years from now, as I said, the world might look somewhat differently at his presidency. It all depends on a decent measure of success in Iraq. No wonder SOME PEOPLE are rooting so hard against it. But it does them no credit to do so.

  3. Lol… Good stuff, G. You’d think Dave would get tired of coming here and getting his weepy Lib ass handed to him.

    Along with King George’s low approval rating, it helps to keep things in perspective that he also enjoyed the HIGHEST approval rating on record for a president in the months following 9/11. So his rating averages out to much better than the Lying Left would have everyone believe. And before Spinning Dave makes himself dizzy here, yes it is fair and reasonable to mention Bush’s good times along with the bad. Even though the Angry Left would have us only see the bad.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. artificially high...
    Iraq war...
    abuses of the Constitution...
    war crimes...

    Blahblahblah weepweepweep...

    I would expect nothing less (or more) from you, Dave. Lol...

    Btw, whose side are you on?

    "The President of the United States is not the enemy. Terrorists and their LibDem enablers are." ~Me

  6. Crap Randal, if you are going to .keep spewing out your "libs are the problem" nonsense all the time, at least try and come up with some debatable arguments.

    All your posts are the same. Makes my eyes hurt

  7. I shall stop once Libs are no longer the problem.
    See ya tomorrow.

  8. And I couldn’t help but notice that you failed to jump Lib Dave for his broken weeping record, BR. He keeps regurgitating all the same hatred barking bytes the Left has told him he should be angry about, over and over and over. Talk about getting old…

    Anyway, back on topic…
    History will treat King George just fine (well, so long as filthy LibDems aren’t permitted to write the history books). Once he is no longer the target of the shrill LibDem hatred and engineered vilification in their dishonest effort to reclaim power at all cost, he will be remembered as saving America from terrorists both foreign and domestic, taking bold and brave moral stands and sticking to his convictions even in the face of political attack over every single petty little thing. He has far more backbone than any recent Dem that comes to mind. Even if he does flub a word here and there.
