
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Super Freaks

The Politico worries that Obama is not sufficiently familiar with the "conservative Freak Show" that is out to get him.

As for the liberal Freak Show that out to get Republican John McCain, it is still officially going by it's old name of The New York Times.

UPDATE: Mark Hemmingway says the media is "Swiftboating the Swiftboaters."

I met a bunch of those guys back in 2004. I liked them. There is a new book out about their efforts to set the record straight about John Kerry, his service and what he said about their fellow warriors. Kerry picked the wrong guys to mess with.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What the Swiftboaters did to Hanoi John was nothing compared to what he did to his fellow soldiers. It is a disgrace that such a man would have been running for the presidency. An utter disgrace. But that's the Left for ya...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hanoi John was directly and personally responsible for our returning soldiers being spat upon when they came back from that war. Despicable. It is a terrible shame that HJ wasn’t fragged.
    Besides, who but a dishonest Lib like him would base his entire presidential campaign on his military service record …while refusing to publicly release that record? Kinda makes a reasonable person wonder what he’s ashamed of and hiding.
