
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Who Ya' Gonna Call?

The PorkBusters movement is going after one of Pennsylvania's favorite sons.

Hint: He WASN'T convicted in the Abscam scandal


  1. Murtha is a filthy crooked criminal that should be removed from office, as he most certainly would be were he a Repub. He seems to think our tax dollars are his alone to do with what he wants.

    I liked the part where Repubs want to investigate and censure him but the loyal Dems gathered 'round their buddy to protect him and blocked the move. See, everything is a viciously partisan game to the LibDems.
    Is this the sort of “change” and "reform" we can expect if we give them even more power?

  2. Yeah, but one of those democrats was Charlie Wilson, boozer, womanizer and winner of the Cold War all rolled into one.

    Perhaps the Dems of All Times.

  3. Make that... Perhaps one of the best Dems of All Times.
