
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

William F. Buckley, R.I.P.

William F. Buckley, publisher of the National Review and one of the conservative movement's brightest stars, died today at his home and, appropriately, in his study.

A lot will be written about him in the days to come.

He was a wonderful thinker and prolific writer.

His most recent book, a collection of letters and correspondences during his decades running America's foremost conservative periodical is called "Cancel Your Own Goddamn Subscription."

I laugh everytime I think of the schmoe who thought he could order a man like Bill Buckley around.

His own subscription to life on earth was cancelled by God himself. He writes with the angels now.

But then, he always did.


  1. RIP WFB. A true genius and giant in the conservative moment.

  2. I think that in a show of balance and fairness the Libs should take out one of their standard bearers. Just about any one would do. I could put together a list.

  3. William F. Buckley was a gian of Conservatism, and his loss is a loss to all sane American citizens. Rush Limbaugh said some thing funny about some of the liberals who came out of their holes following his death and were praising his intellect. He wondered allowed that if these lis loved him so much, why are they still liberals?
