
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Abortions Are Driving Them Crazy?

This isn't going to go down very well at Planned Parenthood or NOW


  1. Indeed the toll of abortions on women are many.

    I find it amazing that abortions are still so prevalent in this day. One would think that with all the technology advances and availability of contraceptives that this all would have made abortions nearly obsolete by now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As I said, this isn't going to go down very well at Planned Parenthood, NOW or Dianoville.

    Love the euphemism - "woman's decision to control their own body."

    Let's at least recognize there's another "body" at stake when an abortion is being considered.

  4. twist any study to justify their position

    They learned this from Libs.

    There is no question as to the emotioanl toll abortions take on women. But that doesn't prevent the Daves from promoting it as something good.
