
Friday, March 28, 2008

Al Gore and the Hot Earth Society

Al Gore tells CBS that not believing that global warming is man-made is akin to believing the earth is flat.

Hmmm. What about believing that even if man does contribute in some measure to global warming that the threat isn't as great as Al Gore and his friends make it out to be?

According to Al, that makes you an idiot too. And this man was nearly President of the United States.

UPDATE: A friend says, believing that Al Gore is smart is akin to believing that Soupy Sales was a visionary.

UPDATE II: Joe Klein asks "Is Al Gore the Answer?" Yes, if the question is: Name a former vice president who is both arrogant and goofy at the same time.


  1. The debate is over. Algore is a lying Lib idiot. And the sky is not falling.

  2. Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the blog administrator.

  3. Gee, our censor-happy Admin got you too, Steve. Whadya do, call Algore a “queer”?
    You shoulda just bashed his religion, then you would have been ok.

  4. sorry randal, that was me posting one of those deletions for fun. Although they did erase my pig latin version of the "q" word.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Diano Edwards:

    Are you ready to ditch capitalism for something everyone can use, communism?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I giggle when someone mentions "progressive patriot" or "bat-villian".

    Here's a fun link for everyone:


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I was going to ask you, non-offensively, what you thought of Sestak backing Clinton as opposed to Delco Dems including yourself backing Obama.

    I find this district similar to Montco's 13th district. A democrat can easily sit here for a while unless he/she does something "stupid" to get knocked off (e.g. Curt Weldon being toppled last year with controversey and his failure to effectively handle it).

    The 13th has featured Mezvinsky and more recently Joe Hoeffel despite larger Republican numbers as a constituency. Hoeffel could have held his seat another 10 years if he didn't run against Specter the other year.

    Sestak needs more facetime before a Senate run becomes a possibility. I would consider him because of his qualifications (Distinguished Military Career, Congressional Resume) but the rest of the state is blind to him IMHO.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. An America-hating, enemy-sympathizing Muslim candidate opposing the war hardly demonstrates a respectable stance.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Please try to refrain from your dishonest projecting, Dave. If you are incapable of scoring a point without lying and mischaracterizing my positions…

    Many find it a bad idea to have a pro-Muslim brotha as our leader now while we are at war with them. This is a reasonable stance... for anyone who loves America and wants to see us survive/win.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Oh, that’s right, the whole war on terror thing is just Bush fear mongering. I forgot.
    Still, it makes no sense to elect as our leader a surrendering, enemy-sympathizing Muslim… black militant… Socialist…

  17. Diano Edwards:

    Remember that Hussein is his name! Keep repeating it and then you will understand. Didn't you hear the story that he used to call himself Barry Obama until he was told that it was not muslim enough?

    Muslims are our enemy and the only real threat to western civilization. The USA is the only nation still strong enough to resist the Muslims, as Europe has already fallen.

    Pay attention Diano Edwards as the Muslims are not very nice to liberal progressives either.

  18. But the Lib dopes serve as their useful idiots.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Thank you for the third grade lesson on nicknames, Dave. Although your efforts at spin here do nothing to change the facts of the matter at hand concerning Mr. B. Hussein Osama’s name.
    And don’t be silly. Terrorists and their Liberal enablers are the real problem. Just look at how you misplace your sympathies with them. Heck, you’re about to vote for a black militant Muslim that hates you just as much as he hates me. Talk about a useful idiot…
