
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bribe A Bad Teacher to Quit

Spencerblog just discovered this e-mail from somebody named Craig Bannister:

"Americans are being asked to vote for the ten worst union-protected teachers in a contest that will offer a $10,000 bribe to each of the "winners" if they'll never teach again.

"Unions "have made it nearly impossible to fire bad teachers," which is a threat to education of America's children, the contest sponsor says.

"The contest is part of a campaign to show the adverse impact that the powerful teachers' unions -- especially the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers -- have on children, schools, and politics.

"Most teachers are doing a wonderful job under difficult circumstances," the sponsoring group says. "The overall effect of teachers unions on public education, however -- when lawmakers and voters leave their power unchecked -- is far from positive."

Cool. But watch out. The State AG might indict the group for bribery.

Anyone want to nominate a teacher from Delco?

UPDATE: Here's the link to the story

1 comment:

  1. It’s great that this new watchdog group is riding their azzes.

    We need to outlaw teacher unions.
