
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chavez Suck-Up Watch

Looks like McCain might lose the pro-Chavez vote.

Hillary and Obama anxiously await the Venezuela strongman's endorsement decision.


  1. Sure. It’s no secret that our terrorist enemies would vote for one of the Dems too.
    Seems to me that we should vote for whoever our enemies don’t want in that office.

  2. Do you think that Chavez and Diano share talking points of the day via email every day?

  3. I don't like the idea of drilliung domestically, but people like chavez make the decision a lot easier.

  4. I don't like the idea of drilling domestically...

    Why not?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. OK, my rebuttal:

    Extreme regulation, government watch, accountability. Hell, if construction projects are under intense scrutiny to make sure soil erosion does not occur on adjacent property/roadways/streams/lakes, why not have the ability to do it in this case? I've also made my case in the past to do this in a predetermined timeline to 1)Allow alternative technology to develop and integrate and 2)End our dependance on all foreign oil.

    I'm up for Ethanol/Electric/Next Technology, but I'm not in favor of being dependant upon others while one of these technologies becomes mainstream. Do you? Is the $3.29/gal still working for you?

  7. No, Dave. Terrorists and Chavez want to see a Dem president because they know they'll be able to more easily push around a cowardly Dem terrorist sympathizer. Everyone knows this but you.

    "My enemy's friend is my enemy too."

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh yes, like everything else bad in the world, high gas prices must be Bush’s fault and his alone.
    On a similar note, my neighbor’s dog crapped on my lawn the other day. Damn that Bush! Damn him to hell! Lol…

    Is anyone at all surprised that Lib Dave is a sympathizer with that whacko, America-hating despot Commie that runs Chavezenezuela? Anyone?
    Considering your warped views on everything, Dave, maybe you should go join Obama's church?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dave,

    Gas was hitting the $1.70s before 9/11 while the market was turning around from Bush's tax rebates to fix the Clinton -led recession.

    OIl Prices are strictly controlled by others. Let's try again, and try n ot to cut and paste your stuff from a loberal op-ed this time.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Umm, yes:

    1) Crude Oil Supply limited, controlled by a select few

    2) The quest for excess Supply is highly limited due to environmental regulations

    3) Air quality regulations added to the price

    4) Limited Refinery Capacity

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. wow, every one of your posts include a smidgen of snootyness, did you ever notice that yourself?

    Gas at $2.50 is still ridiculous, don't you agree? If we had oil domestically, the worry over the value of a dollar wouldn't be an arguement here.

