
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An Educational Success Story Rewarded

The Williamson Trade School is one of Delaware County's great but -- far too quiet --educational success stories.

Yesterday, the school made a little noise by earning the respect (and $40 million in donations) from two local philanthropists, Lee Rowan and the Lenfests.

Nice job by the school's administration and the donors to get together for such a worthy cause.

Trade and vocational schools too often get the short end of the educational stick. While most high school kids are learning the joys of parroting the latest craze in environmental science or reading the Cliff's Notes for Moby Dick, the students at Williamson actually learn how to make things. And do things.

We need more school like Williamson in this country and the attention (and dough) of big wheels like Rowan and Lenfest could make that happen.

Congrats to all.


  1. Williamson Trade School is one of the true treasures of Delaware County. Always happy to hear about their good news.

  2. Yes, Williamson Trade School is a gem. And indeed we should divert some of the college subsidies to trade schools and get off that Lib Higher Education kick that’s poisoning so many young minds these days.

    WTS has a long and rich history that not many people know. But they will soon because at present they are compiling that history into a book.

    This would make a good topic for a column, G.
