
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fallujah: Everybody's Hometown

A 5K run. What's next? Fair trade coffee?


  1. Will the proceeds of the 5K run in Fallujah benefit the Fallujah Democratic party like Media? Everytime I see that run I want to get sick knowing where the funds go...

  2. You sure it's not the coffee, Steve?

  3. Was Imam Daly the organizer of this race too?

  4. Naah, it couldn't be the coffee, knowing it was fairly traded with Kenya and Columbia makes me feel special! After all, it should, it's on all of our signs ("America's First Fair Trade Town" - I guess all the other catchy slogans were taken and Media needed SOMETHING...)

    Despite unemployment being a growing issue, the economy on a slide, and pedophiles finding residence in everybody's hometown, it's nice to know my local government cares most about other people, not only out of the municipality, but out of the country.

    How do you solve the NAFTA crisis? Bring in frank daly and his followers to give in on a whim's notice so they can place a slogan on their signs!

  5. No one ever said that Liberals’ priorities aren’t all screwed up. Them darn feelings make them do all sorta silly stuff.
