
Monday, March 10, 2008

Governor Risky Business

The sanctimonious governor of New York has been implicated in a prostitution ring.

UPDATE: Political analyst Larry Sabato is on FOX saying, "It's the hypocrisy, stupid."

Any other governor who didn't ride into office accusing other people, sometimes falsely, of committing crimes might survive such a scandal.

Not Spitzer. He's gone, baby, gone. And good riddance.

UPDATE II: Conservative Tucker Carlson attacks the press for playing up the Spitzer scandal.

"I would argue, if you're against Eliot Spitzer, and I think his public career has been shameful, this is not the way to get him," said Carlson, whose show's cancellation was announced on Monday. "Spitzer's true sins, in my view, are the ones that he commits in public, crushing other people for the sake of his own political career, for instance, which has been the hallmark of his time in public life. Not going to a hooker. That's no way to get, in my opinion, your political enemy. So to see the press getting all high-handed about the fact that grown man went to a prostitute is nauseating."

This isn't the press getting all "high handed." This is the press covering a national story of sex, crime and hypocrisy. Carlson, I think, is right when he says that this is not one of the "sleazier things" Spitzer has done.

But it is criminal, it is hypocritical and it's a great national story.

Rep. Peter King (R-New York) calls Spitzer "one of the most unforgiving and self-righteous individuals I've ever known in public life." There are dozens of Wall Street types who would fully agree.

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