
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mortgage Crisis A-Go-Go

Check out Friday's column here.

In writing about the crazy situation Makra Opoku finds herself, I didn't get into one thing: the amount she paid for her Darby Township home in the first place.

According to the deed, she paid $240,000 for the Sharon Avenue house, which she purchased from "friends" who were also from Liberia. They, however, bought the 5-6 bedroom home just a few years earlier for $20,000.

Did they really fix up the property enough to justify the $191,000 mortgage she was granted by the mortgage company?

If the mortage company forecloses will it get anything close to that? Not from what I saw. No wonder there's a mortgage crisis in America.

In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from Gennaro Rauso, the "self taught paralegal" and real estate genius who stuffed 11 squabbling tenants in the house to... well, just read the column.

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