
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Night of the Living Brain-Dead Liberal

Dan Henninger notices celebrated playwrite David Mamet's escape from "Brain-dead liberal(ism)." (So did I thanks to Matt Drudge).

But it seems not too many liberals did. I wonder why? Henninger thinks he knows.

Read Mamet's epiphany in the Village Voice here.


  1. Oh, No! Someone signed up for an account! Commence the flight of the pigs!

    OK everyone, want some REAL entertainment tonight in lieu of "Must-See TV"'s asbence? Tonight's the March Meeting for Media Borough Counci, expect fireworks throughout! Choose your own bat-villian and enjoy the spectacle!

  2. If a liberal falls in the liberal forest and no one says they heard it, can you say it didn't happen?

