
Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama's Security Breach: It's Bush's Fault

The Washington Times reports a couple of computer contractors for the State Department accessed Barack Obama's passport records. The two were fired and one was disciplined.

The motive for the breaching so far appears to be nothing more than "idle curiosity" but the investigation continues. The Obama campaign reacted in typical political fashion by blaming the Bush Administration.

"(This is) an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an Administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years," a campaign spokesman said.

Given that it was, in some sense, the Bush Administration that caught and fired these people, that's a pretty lame charge. What if it turns out that the two contract workers who violated their clearances were nothing that Obama fans who were curious about the comings and goings of their hero?

Nevemind, this is good for Obama, in so far as it will remind others that when it comes to such illegal snooping it was much worse during the Clinton Administraiton when hundreds of FBI files on prominent Republicans were discovered in the White House. Hillary was up to her neck in that scandal.

I think the most telling thing about this episode so far is what it says about the Obama campaign and its willingness to jump on any bit of bad news and twist it to their advantage. This is, of course, what political campaigns do. But given their candidate's high-minded, nuanced and impressive speech on race last week this all has a whiff of low-brow opportunism and demagougery.

Say, it isn't so O. But it does.


  1. Obama was on 610WIP's morning show yesterday. He referred to his grandmother as a "typical white person".

    A link to the interview can be found HERE

    I don't know about everyone else, but I think I'd be called racist if I were to say "typical hispanic, typical asian, typical black person". Clear double standard here, just hearing his speech puts more doubts in my mind as to his true intentions. Is he hiding them behind the oratory skills?

  2. You are quite right, Steve.

    The racist Obama camp was just waiting for something -anything- to come along and take the focus off his recent troubles and portray him as a victim.

  3. Hussein is an evil man in many regards. Any person that votes for him is an idiot. In fact, the proof is that one of my local school directors was asking people to switch registration to vote for Hussein.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Schools should be barred from Lib electioneering to their students.

    Any white that now votes for B. Hussein Obama is either an idiot or an incurable racial apologist Liberal. Or both, since they’re the same thing.

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  7. You're right, Dave, someone should check out Obama thoroughly. They should check for his name on the Terrorist Watch List too.

  8. BREAKING non-NEWS! Turns out that both Obama’s and Hillary’s passport files were breached!

    Poor B. Hussein Obama… now he’s no longer the sole victim here. (Although he can still play the “soul victim”. ;) )

  9. Oh no! The White Guy's passport was peeped at too!

    This is just terrible for B. Hussein Obama's victimhood...
    Darn bipartisan and bisexual and biracial snoops...

  10. Poor B. Hussein Obama… now he’s no longer the sole victim here. (Although he can still play the “soul victim”. ;) )

    Randal claims he never says anything racist.

    What a jerk.

  11. Nope. It takes more than an apologist calling something racist to make it so.

  12. Nothing to distinguish from other whites, so that means that we should be grouped together in this typical white person definition?

    A typical white person sees someone on the street (2:40) Gee, go on Barack, what's next, what kind of person on the street are you referring to? Please aid me in this one, so I understand from my typical white person mentality.

    I go through unusual racial experiences every day of my life, it's called living in an overly-PC world where no one's offended and everyone gets a trophy.

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  14. To the queer:

    All three candidates had their files examined. This type of thing is not unique to the Bush administration.

    If Hussein Obama is such a good Christian, when will he say that Mohammed is not the savior?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  15. I don't think digging up his previous Muslim lifestyle's worth arguing at this point, Scott. It would be like ridiculing a Catholic who converted from Judiasm.

    The bigger issue is about what's going on in his present religion which I believe is open game due to his pastor's comments.

  16. Also, he's a Christian, he accepte Christ at his conversion. this is not worth arguiing.

  17. I didn’t say this was racial, Dave. Just that Obama’s people were thrilled something like this came along to distract from his recent racial troubles. But this victimhood was short-lived when it turned out he was not the only one who had their files snooped.

    MLK was not the saint he’s been made out to be.

    If Wright and Trinity were true Christians, shouldn’t they have by now forgiven the White Devil for all his sins of long ago? I thought Christianity was all about forgiveness.

    -signed, A Typical White Guy

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  19. To the queer:

    The queer reference is directed at Diano! As for Mohammed, he is only one person. How about Hussein come out publicly and state that Islam is a religion of violence and intolerance? He won't.

    What if McCain's file was examined first, would that make Hussein's breach a non issue?

  20. Once again, you're trying to build an excuse instead of instilling responsibility in individuals. I don't give free passes, however your PC world gives them out like they're free no big deal. You should read the bull**** you type.

  21. "As for Mohammed, he is only one person. How about Hussein come out publicly and state that Islam is a religion of violence and intolerance? He won't."

    Um, neither will McCain or Clinton, but McCain's spiritual advisor Parsley has said just that.

    Also your constant referencing to Obama's middle name reflects your Fox News inspired far right views. No one goes around using McCain's middle name.

    I'm pretty sure Diano knew where your queer comment was aimed at. Also for a so called Christian, as you claim to be, isn't name calling beneath you? Diano never made any implication he was Gay.

  22. I’ll bet Gay Dave was proud of his little rant here. Lol…

    I could pick apart his apologist skat point by point but I… Well, I’ve got a few minutes, maybe I will…

    Stop using the long ago past as an excuse for black racism today, Dave. Segregation is one of those things from the past, btw.

    Today, black groups and churches are the most racist and segregated of all. Seems it is blacks that have failed to get the message that “racism is wrong”. And this is thanks to apologists like you Dave who have given their racism a pass for so long.

    Rodney King… the black riots that followed were MUCH worse than the event that triggered it. Much worse. You can choose to ignore this but don’t be surprised that the rest of us may not.

    OJ was guilty, even his black supporters well knew this but they saw it as a solidarity stand against the white man and his justice system. Yep, black racism. Ugly stuff. They’re the same ones that think we should just let all black inmates free because, well, they’re black.

    Apartheid?? Was that here? Have you seen how blacks now treat whites in Africa? Once again we see blacks pushing too far into reverse discrimination. But apologists like you fail to see this as bad. Your sort sees it as somehow worse when whites treat blacks poorly. It’s not.

    Despite the desperate Lib efforts to spin it into something else, the Katrina fallout showed the country what those blacks are all about. Try as you might, ya can’t blame that on whitey. Whitey was trying to help them. Some people can’t be helped.

    Bob Jones?? You’ve got to be kidding. That’s ONE school. Compare this to the many Habitually Black Colleges and Universities. Yep, black racist institutions. And they hang their “need” today on the distant past. We don’t see any HWCU’s. Not a one. No, they have all be “diversity-ed” to death. Funny how all them HBCUs don’t feel this need for all this engineered coerced diversity crap.

    The silly flag non-issue is just blacks bullying their feigned hypersensitivity, again weeping about the past and their hurt feelings. And only guilt-ridden apologists pay their complaints any mind at all. (See, this is another one of those things you have been told you’re supposed to be mad about. So you are. Try thinking for yourself sometime.)

    Is salvation what B. Hussein Obama found at that Black Militant church? Lol… If you say so. Many would call it something else.

    No bait needed. I have written about the Black Saint MLK before. Yes, his legacy has been greatly inflated and sanitized by blacks and apologists like you. He does not deserve a shrine on the Mall in D.C. along side presidents. That’s a great big racial PC diversity memorial and nothing more. The money wasted on that thing could be better spent actually helping people.

    I’m just a typical white guy –as Obama would call me, just as you are a typical emasculated apologist Lib white guy.

    And once again, I expect to see from you this very same level of apology, dismissiveness and excusing the next time some white guy makes headlines for being a racist.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Dave weeping to daddy again. What a p… See, when Libs get slapped silly they weep and whine and tattle and attempt to silence others with their PC. What a coward. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Lib weepers on message boards pull just this sort of predictable childish cowardice.
    Grow up, Dave. If ya can’t hang maybe you should find another game.

    Besides, is “queer” really an offensive slur anyway? Heck, I see TV shows with “queer” in the title. And since you’re so sympathetic to gays, why would this cause you insult, Gay Dave?

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  26. for the record, I'm not getting into the personal insults, we can debate without lowering ourselves to those standards.

    C. Scott, are you still the mayor of rutledge? Do they see what you type?


  28. Obama’s historical speech is now defined by ‘how you throw your 'TYPICAL WHITE' grandmother under the bus’. Apparently he will say anything to win and, yesterday it was sad to watch him trying to use race to get back in this race. I’m disappointed to see him as just another 'TYPICAL' politician. He used very poor judgment with ties to too many shady characters. He lied to all American people when the truth would have been better. Did he stay in this church to get the votes of the 8,000 members? He is who he is, but it is what it is!

  29. (sigh) Once again...

    Dave weeping to daddy again. What a p… See, when Libs get slapped silly they weep and whine and tattle and attempt to silence others with their PC. What a coward. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Lib weepers on message boards pull just this sort of predictable childish cowardice.

    Grow up, Dave. If ya can’t hang maybe you should find another game.

    Besides, is “queer” really an offensive slur anyway? Heck, I see TV shows with “queer” in the title. And since you’re so sympathetic to gays, why would this cause you insult, Gay Dave?

    No one posts more offensive name calling than you anyway, Gay Dave. YOU started it. YOU are the one who has dragged this board down to its present state.

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  31. I find it hard to believe you have a friend.
    And you’re still a p… for the reasons I stated.

  32. Good stuff, 1proudamerican. Sounds like you have a pretty good understanding of things as they are.

  33. Diano:

    How is calling you a queer hate speech? What about you stating that Gil, Randal and myself should have been aborted?

    Everyone gets so caught up in pointing the finger at anyone who says anything true or controversial. Disagreements are not hate.

    Your abortion comments put you in the same league as Hussein's pastor.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  34. Dave is just trying to divert attention away from himself, similar to how the Racist Black Candidate's campaign has tried to distract from from his self wrought troubles. They think that if they lash out on petty other things -like one word- folks will forget his ugly side.

    Here, I think we can all agree that Dave has posted the most offensive stuff on this blog. But then, he's also a cowardly Lib hypocrite. So he has to point his filthy finger at others in an attempt to make himself look better.

    As I said before, I've been at this quite a while and I've seen such predictable tactics from dishonest snivelling Libs all before many times. Dave is no different.

  35. Steve Mcdonald said...

    Obama was on 610WIP's morning show yesterday. He referred to his grandmother as a "typical white person".

    I have to agree with Steve on this. Double standards seem to be the norm in America anymore. Well you can't have it both ways. In my opinion Obama is a racist. There. I said it. Sue me.

  36. If I’ve said it a thousand times, I’ve said it a thousand times: The truth is never slanderous, libelous or “racist”. No matter how deemed politically incorrect by apologist operatives in their underhanded efforts to control the tone of the conversation and keep it a one-sided scolding by hanging their opposition on their Lib engineered touchy-feely BS like coerced feigned “sensitivity”.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. it's every bit as racist as saying "typical black person" your excuses have not held water.

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  40. Man, Apologist Dave is really grasping today. And he sure loves that Racial Double Standard.
    It is easy to see just what nature this ‘new national conversation on race’ will take if apologists like him are permitted to control the conversation. It will be just more of the same tired old, one-sided scoldings misdirected at whites over the distant past.
    Apologist Libs like Dave are the problem. They are why we find ourselves still in this racial riff so many years later.

    I think if Mr. Shields can cure Dave of his latent gayness then I can also cure him of his apparent White Guilt.

    Ok, Dave, let’s get started with Therapy Lesson #1.
    Repeat after me: “It is ok to be white. It is ok to be white…”
    Now, Lesson #2: “I never owned slaves. I never owned slaves…”
    Lesson #3: “I never lynched anyone or denied them employment…”
    Lesson #4: “I don’t owe blacks anything. I don’t owe blacks anything…”

    Repeat each of these 20 times and then we’ll move on.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Dear Blog Administrator,
    I am offended by David Diano’s grating name calling, sexual innuendo and hate speech here in nearly every one of his posts. Please address this situation and restore respectability to this blog at once.
    Thank you.


    Ready for your next lesson, Apologist Dave?

  43. To the Queer (since we all know who it is):

    You demand respect yet you don't give it. Your abortion reference was that we should have been aborted.

    You can say what you want, but by and large, conservatives could care less about race. It is liberals like you that use race as a wedge issue, much the same way as you invent "hate" crimes. And in case you did not know, the sexual orientation portion of our state ethnic intimidation statute was ruled unconstitutional.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  44. Yeah, that whole “Hate Crimes” game is crap. Bitter blacks and their apologist Liberal useful idiots have engineered this inequitable farce to even some old score. Funny how we so rarely see blacks charged with “ethnic intimidation” even given their known racial attitudes toward whites.
    EVERY crime that crosses racial lines should be deemed a “hate crime” and prosecuted as such. After all, criminals willfully target their prey, and more often than not blacks target whites for their crimes, at a rate of about 50 to 1 compared to that of white-on-black. But blacks and the apologist Libs don’t want to talk about that.

  45. They’ll call you a “racist” for even noticing this glaring double standard of their making which benefits blacks while keeping whitey in line.

  46. LOL, lack of intellectual honesty, this one's getting good.

    Let's flip the tables for fun. Let's say that Former Lt Governor Michael Steele of Maryland, an African American Republican (And I believe an up and comer in the GOP party) says the same term - "typical white person" during "The situation room" on CNN. Show of hands, how many believe the liberals would be all over him?

  47. I don’t know, Steve. I suspect that Dave’s apologistism is more racially partisan than it is politically partisan. A better comparative hypothetical would be a white Repub politician saying “typical black person”. But then, we already know how the hypocrite Daves would feel about that.
    Again, apologist Libs like Dave are the reason for the Racial Double Standard that has caused so much animosity. They are the problem.

    And Dave wouldn't know intellectual honesty if it socked him in the nose. Like most Libs, he well knows he can’t peddle the crap he does without lying in order to sell it to others. He knows as well as we do that his product is crap. The question is, why then do they stick with it?

  48. Michael Steele was subjected to many underhanded tactics at the hands of the liberals, and the black community was silent. What would the liberals say if any prominent black republican made any statement about the "typical white person", or about Jewish interlopers, or the many other ethnic and/or racial comments?

    There is a difference between liberalism and conservatism and it is idealogic. Notice I don't say democrat vs. republican as I see no difference between the 2 parties anymore.

    So what do we do? We continue to act like conservatives. We ignore the liberal racial divide, we champion small govt and low taxes, we champion giving back to our communities (which conservatives do more of than liberals), we advocate the family including marriage between one man and one woman, and most importantly, we advance the notion that faith in God is important in our lives. it is all so simple.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  50. Yes, but did anybody see the moonwalking bear?

  51. diano's a fool, still an apologist for an ill-advised statement. I can't take him seriously, he's backing a man with no substance/experience to be qualified for the highest position in the land! Has anyone seen those Commercials where Obama is touting his experience in the Illinois State Senate for six years? Hell, if that qualified him, maybe we should get Vince Fumo to run!

    There's prejudice in his heart dave, you're too ignorant to see it.

  52. One more, since it's important to state:


  53. Real classy, Dave.

    Well, that leaves no question as to who posts the most offensive crap on this board.

    Hey, Gil, is this place a democracy? Maybe we should take a vote for banning Dave? He really hurts the respectablity of your blog with his disgusting sexual talk.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. 100 years of war? Are the liberals truly that stupid? In that case, since we've kept a base in Germany, WWII is clearly still active and the Korean War is in full force. McCain clearly related to the fact that the US will keep a base in Iraq similar to bases around the world. And trust me, John McCain is far more qualified to resolve/CLOSE the conflict in Iraq by leaps and bounds above Obama and Clinton. Prove me wrong, Obama's opposition in 2003 does us ABSOLUTELY no good in 2009 unless he somehow invented a time machine.

    Yes, let's visit the cuban missle crisis, where Jack Kennedy was seated in a corner with a set of rosaries while his brother Bobby was in the warroom taking care of business. Let's see, Hillary would refer to her husband who's busy plowing broads. Obama has ZERO foreign policy experience, very scary in itself, maybe he'd refer to Iran to figure out the answer. McCain would take a hard line similar to Reagan, I'd absolutely have him in place over the others, McCain is best suited for foreign issues.

  56. I was just poking at your cowardly Lib p-ness you displayed when you went weeping to Gil, Dave. I don't really want you to go anywhere. You make my job here easier for me. ;)

    Now is not when we need a “kinder and gentler approach to combating terrorism”, ala Hanoi John.
    Obama would likely tell our enemies/ his Muslim brothas that we surrender because, well, America has been the Evil White Devil aggressor, while assuring us that this is the “change” that is needed.
